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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. no vendetta, I just think its amusing when people have their heads so far up their arse they can't admit when they have been wrong about something. Your amusement is to the massive detriment of the board.
  2. Don't understand your vendetta Leazes. Not this one or any of them.
  3. From Wiki... Recently, while playing for the Icelandic club, he was approached, apparently unexpectedly, by an English scout who would not reveal to the press which club he represented. However, in November 2011, he has been sighted in Manchester on a number of occasions and is reportedly undergoing shock trials with Manchester City. A spokesman for the club said that he is a huge talent that has been hidden away for a long time and now that the unexpected opportunity to sign him has arisen, he could be featuring in the Barclays Premier League along with his brothers Shola and Sammy soon.
  4. Right I'm going to just ramp for an hour. What's the best way? Smithing?
  5. A-Ba-Ni-Birthday Mate.
  6. Still a level 9 ffs. I need to do some ramping.
  7. Now that's what I call gaming! Let us know mate.
  8. to reach their unexpected conclusion?
  9. We should beat Sweden every time, but we don't, that's our biggest handicap tonight. 1-1 draw..again. I'd say that's your biggest handicap in every game, tbh - the "we should win" attitude. Puts to much pressure on the team. Should be more humble and play to your strengths. Like against Spain. Wasn't pretty, but you won the game. Our strengths? What would you say our strengths are? Certainly playing direct football isn't one of them. OK, maybe "play to your strengths" wasn't a good description. I'm just saying Capello's more patient approach may be a good way to get results against some teams. I wouldn't write him off just yet. Did you not see the World Cup? Beyond written off. Aren't we all just marking time to the end of his contract?
  10. Semi-recumbent? The DORTY BASTARD!
  11. Would you class that as sitting or standing? Tough call.
  12. Stuck on diplomatic immunity. I am woefully underpowered and just getting thrashed repeatedly.
  13. Neighbours having MAJOR refurbishment done. I work from home. Fucking pissed off.
  14. Didn't think much to that town, not sure it's a sound investment - on a flood plain. Trying to get something in the hills with a view.
  15. Oh aye some Jarl gave me a woman and the freedom of the city or something like that. I think I killed a dragon for him. I told the woman to wait somewhere then completely forgot about her. Several days later I got a message saying she had tired of waiting and fucked off. Whoops. Can't hang on to a horse or a woman tbh. Too busy killing and travelling in straight lines.
  16. Aye, I'd love to buy a house but despite talking to every lurker and layabout in towns have yet to be offered one. Mind you, I look like a right clip.
  17. That sounds more like it. It's cracking like, but seems to suffer much like Red Dead Redemption in that there is, so far, no point in having all this gold. I bought a horse but he buggered off when I couldn't take him into a city and there's not a whore to be found.
  18. I don't mind a bit of parallel wanking like.
  19. I was actually referencing Scrooge, you daft sod! But, I see where you're coming from on the Christmas Past thing for Fatty the Flounceā€¦ Ant, do your duty I knew that man, I just saw an opportunity to stir the flouncing festive one.
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