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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. I hadn't heard of this either, fascinating stuff.
  2. Excellent theory. I'm going to do that then kill my compatriots Dark Knight style There's an elderly bint who has the vault key in her pocket. I'm doing a lot of staking out at the minute, monitoring movements, looking for weak spots. I have some invisibility potion so am considering timing too. Could do with a hand really, shame there is no co-op.
  3. Alright Kashley. You got SD on the roof of your house?
  4. I'm figuring out how to do a bank job in Markarth. The Treasury must have thousands in it.
  5. http://peppersprayingcop.tumblr.com/page/2
  6. What's the name of that antique turned chic freak? Edit, found it. Here you gan Salty lad, fill your boots on this oddity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJRH5UeqyEg
  7. I've got a dog. He's nails and gets straight into the mix, a lot.
  8. Can someone explain to me why the countries that owe each other shed loads of cash can't just agree to square it off?
  9. I'll volunteer to look after £600 lads. Been off the smack a couple of months now.
  10. The club would lose revenue, but is that already happening if SD is not paying for advertising space - is he bothered? SD revenue globally might increase more than the loss in shirt sales. If he's gunning for the global market then having SD on shirts means his brand is advertised in all Newcastle games, not just those played at St James' Park. This increase in exposure will likely be too much for him to resist, as well as knowing it will piss off the nasty name-calling fans.
  11. WTF? There are no words. I know, what is it with people who film in portrait ffs?
  12. The enjoyment increases as you get more powerful. I just got this staff that fires lightning and utterly decimates foes. NERDPOWER.
  13. Quality. You might want to black up the chest a bit though.
  14. The serpent stone power is canny mint for one on ones, poisons them and downs them for 5 seconds, just long enough to get a couple of massive blows in with your two handed cranium smasher. Ka-Boom Necrofaggots!
  15. go to the College of Winterfold asap if you haven't already.
  16. That wasn't a pop nor accusation tbf, I'm enjoying the game as much as anyone.
  17. Just about the only thing he hasn't done, isn't it?
  18. I'm not usually into this sort of guff either, but this is epic in both scope and gameplay. You can mission it up in so many ways, get into some huge paggas or just fuck about exploring. Biggest problem with this game is it is the ultimate time sink. A quick go becomes a two hour session and you have no fucking clue how it happened. On your other point, aye, nerdy as fuck.
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