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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Shame today's edition's already been printed there Deaders.
  2. I used to have a bit of a crush on her, when I was young and retarded.
  3. MA's silence speak volumes. Keeps his conscience clean or couldn't give a fuck. Either way it's all about him, us patrons can fuck off to JJB if we don't like it. Half a million disgruntled geordies is absolutely fuck all in the face of free advertising to 500 million plus.
  4. I think the stately home analogy employed by my good self last year works better, because that factors in the heritage and responsibility to the community you've taken on in your purchase. What the community ultimately wants is the stately home redeveloped to its potential, or restored to its former glory as one of the nation's greatest. Sadly the owner has decided he's not going to risk the expenditure to compete with the A-listers and is happy to just keep it ticking over, even if that means having the odd seedy night in the ballroom, much to the local's distaste.
  5. Yep! Careful bonnie lad, the Eye on Wronguns is watching you.
  6. Agree with that, a soft Irish lilt similarly so, tbs.
  7. Who's the bigger bairn, the bairn who baits the bairn or the bairn who bleats like a bairn when baited?
  8. What happened to the auto embedding of youtube?
  9. Andrew like a motherfucken BAWS! I'm still only 15 and wor lass has already threatened to leave.
  10. I've reached the conclusion this forum only exists to have this endless conversation. It's like a part of Dante's vision. Is this our punishment for booing SBR?
  11. Not played Oblivion buy it's there if I ever finish Skyrim.
  12. Got a Familial Wand, Atriarch spells and a dog, it's like a violent menagerie every time someone has a pop. I also got the tricked out solid Mace from the Haunted House in Markarth. Still not robbed the bank, proving canny hard for some reason.
  13. This is like perpetually agonising over your ex lass but being stuck with your current lass. It makes everything worse and even the good bits seem tainted.
  14. And the Housemartins are far better than the Beatles.
  15. What's it now then? It was deconsecrated in 1961, but is still used for Services by Church of Saint Willibrord with All Saints,whoever the feck they are. Word of the week! I've deconsecrated a few tabernacles mesel.
  16. I hadn't heard of this either, fascinating stuff.
  17. Excellent theory. I'm going to do that then kill my compatriots Dark Knight style There's an elderly bint who has the vault key in her pocket. I'm doing a lot of staking out at the minute, monitoring movements, looking for weak spots. I have some invisibility potion so am considering timing too. Could do with a hand really, shame there is no co-op.
  18. Alright Kashley. You got SD on the roof of your house?
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