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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. It's not your opinions that people have issues with Leazes, it's your personality.
  2. Yeah I've got that Amulet but it's not having the desired effect. I'll see if the thieves will have me, though I've already slain a few of them for giving me too much cheek.
  3. Semimentalist - what interesting mission should I do? I'm on about level 27. Have plenty going on in the dungeon/dragon arena but looking for a different vibe. Can't meet anyone to marry me either, I have the Amulet of Forever Alone.
  4. It's after 9, is he Monroe Transfer yet?
  5. Poor lad is gonna end up with Monroe Transfer here.
  6. Ms TS has the decorators in over Christmas. That's probably as close as we'll get as we're going away.
  7. Self-employed so I am going to have a day on the cowies with mesel.
  8. Get that lass a new watch. Go on.
  9. A bottle of JD not the way into your keks then? Would've worked for me.
  10. Standing up to play is the only way. Raise your screens people.
  11. I've arranged an 'unwanted present' bran tub at a 'xmas' do in the New Year.
  12. I wouldn't bother going to Norwich for the pub atmosphere...personally.
  13. On a mission with a telepathic dog. Met this hot Nord chick along the way and was so eager to keep up with the dog I killed the hot chick rather than hit on her. FMSL
  14. I can't quite work out if they have any home tickets left, but maybe you can. http://www.canaries.co.uk/page/MatchTickets/0,,10355~2512372,00.html
  15. He's right, he's right, he's right right right right right. The Leazes and Leazes Show!
  16. He's saying you've got nowt.
  17. That video suggests you don't try and give them food or drink. 'Here you go mate, have a kebab, that'll sort ye oot'.
  18. I've tried to help people in the throes twice, once in the street and once at Tribal Gathering at 6 am in the jungle tent. That latter incident left me a little spun out. There's not actually much you can do save for making sure they don't hurt themselves and hoping it ends soon.
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