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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. I've only shot roos and rabbits. Good eating mind, skippy.
  2. Shucks, thanks Gem, Tom and my favourite Hat. And Gem, all the best with your kitty. The rumours about you can't be all true if you've managed to get a pussy wheezing like a broken bagpipe.
  3. Falling over yourselves with sympathy for Gem's asthmatic pussy, WHO HAS NEVER CONTRIBUTED ONE WORD TO THIS COMMUNITY, yet not one of you gives a fuck about my personal plight, broken Christmas and shattered dreams.
  4. I used to do Chuck Norris jokes, then I took an arrow to the knee.
  5. Just watched The Santa Clause, schmaltzy as but a few funny moments. I was watching that thinking 'is that Alec Guinness?' Today I have watched the 1935 and 1951 versions, might skip the 1970 musical version so Scrooged is up next.
  6. This is how Liverpool could perhaps have dealt with this, if they had some big thinkers and appreciated that their privileged place in the local and global community can affect positive change. They could have highlighted that although it was in the heat of contest and possibly culturally less unacceptable in the country Suarez grew up in, it was a racially tainted slur and therefore unacceptable. They could go further and emphasise that Suarez is not a racist, he was just using a colloquialism without being fully aware how these things are considered in the country he is working, living and being a role model in (whether he likes it or not). Possibly no-one has the courage to suggest Uruguay has issues with racism (in my experience all countries do anyway), so they could underplay this element, but it does not mean they should brush the whole thing under the carpet. They should accept the punishment for the good of the game and grasp the opportunity this situation provides to educate and eradicate archaic and divisive thinking. Not just in football, in Liverpool or in the UK but anywhere where racism and racially motivated divisions or disharmony exist. The reach of the club is massive and they should do everything in their power to demonstrate they are at the forefront of the fight against racism and this has given them a further opportunity to do so. They could encourage Suarez into a front line role in LKROOF, something he could work on during his 8 match ban. This will give him the chance to demonstrate he is not a racist and will exploit the furore around this for the greater good. Suarez to become the poster boy for racial harmony, for progressive thinking in Uruguay. Do black people in Uruguay want to be called negrito in perpetuity? They could also figure out how to use Carroll properly and quickly. Maybe watch the last 18 months of his games for us. I think Suarez's talent has made them tactically lazy. No doubt part of the reason they are so desperate to just have this mess go away and get their player back. What they have done is hoy the toys out the pram and retreat into their preferred us versus them outlook. This is what fucks them over, they feel they are being hard done by because it is them. This is so small minded and given the opportunity this mess has presented, it's depressing. LFC have been very badly advised, if at all advised. A lot of this could apply to Terry when he is done, I doubt it will though. Small mindedness and self preservation are stalwarts of modern Britain.
  7. Didn't realise he'd bitten someone when playing for Ajax. Clearly a bit of a wrongun all round.
  8. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-24023902-alan-hansens-blunder-in-racism-row.do
  9. They wear them when they're sick, so as not to get other people sick, is my understanding. donardstott, why you so intorerant?
  10. Women who go out and about their everyday business in pyjamas and slippers like it's perfectly acceptable. Get dressed you fucking lazy hooer, Sainsburys is not an extension of your rat infested bedsit.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxXpXmfabB8
  12. Nicked off FB but thanks all the same, I thought it was fucking retarded myself.
  13. Christmas trip postponed as myself and trophytits are too ill to drive up north. What a pisser.
  14. How about a Zuckerberg For The Toon campaign? He stands to get about $40 bill next year when FB floats.
  15. If I offended your sense of taste and decency with an obviously ridiculous photoshop lampooning current affairs I can only suggest one thing to you Aeris; HARDEN THE FUCK UP MAN.
  16. It's known as humour, you fermented trout.
  17. Will this dip in form encourage Mike to cash in or strengthen?
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