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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. More than 10 points out = name change More than 15 points out = 3 month ban More than 20 points out = become admin
  2. Works for me, give him 5.5 years.
  3. Can't you mock it up @ys mate?
  4. How about get Frank Skinner and David Baddiel to recreate from the description on .com?
  5. The first against Blackburn turning his man reminded me of Marco van Basten. That and the Man U goal are my favourites, both world class, instinctive finishing. Hopefully we can see more of his range until the summer at least. Imagine not having to think like this?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94mEW7oEfq0
  7. They're all fucking mercenaries man. The thought of fleecing Liverpool for £20m is delicious tbh.
  8. Apparently this Prior lad has a bit of previous.
  9. 56 I've gone with. I'd be disappointed at this stage if we get much less than that, probably lead me to having a good boo. Over 60 would be superb. Ask me again Feb 1st.
  10. I wish TV would accelerate down Running Man road rather than waddle along poke-the-fatty-with-a-stick boulevard.
  11. Agenda ? What agenda ? I just think that kicking the shit out of someone/assaulting a woman is far worse than calling someone names, and Collymore should take a good look at himself accordingly. Whats more, most people of my age tend to think the same. It must be a "brainwashed by lefties new generation do gooder pc correct" thing. Your agenda to contrast any given event with something unrelated, or tenuously related at best, that you would like to promote as worse behaviour. You do it regularly and it's just silly. In light of Hitler, Fred West is a thoroughly decent chap, in light of Fred West, Mike Ashley is a great bloke, in light of Mike Ashley that bloke who wouldn't give up his seat for you on the Metro is okay. Etc etc.
  12. Not heard about chuggers door knocking, that really stinks. Some poor lass knocked just before Xmas and started singing Good King Wenceless at me, very badly, she was about 13 - just so I don't paint myself as too much of a bastard. I was full of flu, about to have my dinner and watching Scrooge, I just said 'eating dinner' and slammed the door before she got to her third note.
  13. My favourite black actor is Forest Whitaker.
  14. I don't think there is a single Collymore sympathiser here Leazes. There may be some people who think racism and hateful references to the recent death of Gary Speed are unsavoury and should be dealt with, but I'm confident almost everyone thinks Collymore is a tosser. If Ulrika had said that to him on a public forum, or he had said something similar to her, then the reaction would be the same, irrespective of your agenda.
  15. Still playing this and still played nothing but. Not done the Empire stuff and just started Dark Brotherhood. Finished the other main plots. Only level 43 but I have a glass battleaxe pushing 200 dmg - Killed Alduin in 6 or 7 hits. I still have 130ish locations to discover. Just an amazing game.
  16. Let's get a few of these headlines out the way then, just in case. Old Virgin takes the plunge. Virgin Territory. Branston's Pickle. Virgin head proves better than expected. No such thing as Arfa Virgin. Virgin debut on sticky pitch. New owner shows lack of experience Obertan opens legs but Newcastle still suck. etc
  17. Yeah I was mindful of that, but this was unkneadable, i.e. sticky as all fuck, until I'd doubled the prescribed quantity of flour. Odd. Apologies for turning this thread into a cooking thread when the cooking thread is right next to it.
  18. HFW's gnocchi, dough was impossibly wet using his instructions. Added extra flour to make it manageable and it was just uberstodge in the end. Took BASTARD AGES as well. These are the sorts of things these books should be advising on, the requisite wetness of the dough and how to manage it if it's meant to be really wet etc, instead they just leave you to get on with fucking it up on your own. First time I've made gnocchi, but still the recipe should frigging work. Kill Baldrick first is usually my approach to cooking, incidents such as this reinforce that view.
  19. 'Top' chefs' recipes that are shite and spoil your dinner.
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