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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. This is what you, and others, get up to when not going to games. Could do with recycling 'Where's the £27m? - 'Pocketed' - 'Where's the £27m?' loop.
  2. Careful tweeting about it if you are off to the good ol' US of A http://www.bbc.co.uk...nology-16810312
  3. Ravel 'Mack' Morrisson off to get his mad skillz mashed up by Allardyce?
  4. spent an extra £30 on streaming GB with plusnet this month. So the real cost of Netflix is £36 on top of my bb charges. hardly a bargain....am sorting.
  5. He's got a helluva boo on him like, anarl.
  6. What's his username btw? @StigmataToMartyr
  7. The players do have a say in some of this, but if they don't feel like they have Gemmill's backing, well, it's a done deal.
  8. I'd not picked up on this Stevie, all the best for your dad.
  9. I was with my cousin who's also been to Norwich and Fulham. I politely asked her to knock it on the head for this year.
  10. Can't recall us having a shot at goal in the second half. I was right behind it too. Been to QPR and Brighton this season. Wank.
  11. Going to watch about 6 episodes of Breaking Bad tonight................Bitch!
  12. It was a malevolent faecal movement of such magnitude that my spine was snapped as it grudgingly departed. The excreta so large, it is currently being considered for a summit attempt by Ranulph Fiennes.
  13. Well I got battered at least. Fuck the B team.
  14. Just got round to sorting this out. Worked and dramatically improved the content. Cheers!
  15. Jesus, the ultimate attention seeker.
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