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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. FUCKING PASS AND MOVE YOU KNACKERS. Could lose this ffs.
  2. Two good goals from us and that's about it. Would like to see more slide rule attempts to play Cisse in. We have a fairly gifted midfield and still too much is hoofed.
  3. what ? It's a great show, I really enjoyed it. But I think the lass is a bit too crazy and sex obsessed to be believable in that role. Not that that inhibits my enjoyment, she's rather lovely, and of course it's suspension of disbelief all round.
  4. She's mental, too mental.
  5. Because of all my pride, The tears I've gotta hide!
  6. Happy Birthday lads, Tooj - enjoy the gift mate.
  7. I've done this 3 times and have another 2 looming on the horizon. All this means is I'm the least feckless of my circle of mates. They know I'll actually put a bit of work into it. Worse, this year I have been asked to do a blessing at a mates wedding. Fucking speechless, literally, about that one. Got some good ideas for my costume though. That website is good, http://www.thebestmanspeech.com/ helped me a lot with the last one who I'd not known that long and he's squeaky clean so not much material to work with. I managed to infer he'd bummed a donkey which went down well.
  8. I wonder if there would be legal recourse if someone were able to set up a projector to permanently project 'St James' Park' onto that wall, or the stadium itself. Is light vandalism?
  9. Well it's true. Honest to god in my social circle and people who care, peripheral people, randoms you chat to, fucking everyone, I know one person who respects Ashley, believe he's a good bloke and has the best interests of the club foremost in his mind. He happens to be one of me best mates, we've had many heated discussions about it. You come on here, you'd think it was a 50/50 split, and it's never geordies supporting him on here neither, Ireland, Stoke, fucking Brighton, London, rarely Newcastle other than silly old cunts like toonpack. Geordies like transparency and straight talking people, Ashley is the complete opposite of both, that's my theory, of course I'm not on about ALL OOT's but just read the likes of here and N-O. Keegan is absolutely idolised on Tyneside, idolised, go anywhere else in the country and he's laughed at, and that's the way it was for some on N-O and here when he left in 2008, I think that sums it up. Fucking Brighton? What sort of OOB slur is this, eh? There's me Holden and Spongebob, none of which are MAALs as far as I know, however I look forward to your list and justification thereof.
  10. Last time I finished behind a mackem I felt so disappointed with myself.
  11. No I don't, I think you should just shut up about it now and then. Or always. There is no 'they', there is you banging a drum that no one cares to listen to anymore. Everyone would love to enjoy the football, but you're almost trying to say they shouldn't as the regime is not ambitious enough. There is nothing we can do about the regime... oh fuck it I can't be arsed with all this again.
  12. exactly It's you who can't handle other people's. You think everyone should think like you. It would be like Rimmerworld ffs.
  13. Personally I have employed various strategies on this point Chez. Lamping, avoiding, ostracising if it's just me personally. If it is in my community or family I have tried to work with them as much as possible, and if a point where we are unable to see eye to eye is not reached then called it quits and lamped them too. I currently have one pen friend and cat that hates me. So you can see my keenness to not to have to fuck this off too.
  14. One for the predictions thread. Sorry don't agree with your post, if this makes me immature so be it. This is a site of mutual interest that we visit for information in part but mostly fun and banter, no? We all click into most top threads to see the crack, often there is interest to be found but invariably if you want to find it you have to wade through the same posts year after year after year. And you have to read each post in part to figure out if it's not the same old shite. Seconds turn into minutes and before you know it you've fucked off having skim read a load of shite and wondered why you bothered. It's not seconds scrolling over the course of a week or a month or a year. Like you said in jest yesterday this place is Leazestastic because those who tolerate/ignore his festering perpetuity will stay, and therefore so does he. Once you've been around a while you may be able to skim and ignore the pages and pages of repetitive bile, but we do have a drip feed of new posters who frequently end up taking him to task whereas most of us gave up on reason some time ago...this causes a corrosive smearing generally in about half the top 10 toon threads. How many posters will be enough to lose so that one can plug away the same old bombproof shite ad nauseam? How many good posters gone, how many thinking of going, how many argue with him for their first few weeks and never return? Yes it can all be skimmed through, but the time and effort spent skimming and time spent responding to him from new and old contributors alike (where they could be writing something more contributory/enjoyable/current) does have a notably derogatory effect on the content and experience of the board as a whole. Personally speaking the times he is not around the board is a noticeably better place, sorry Leazes I'm not advocating your expulsion but that's the truth from my perspective. That is in part because I find his dogmatic posting beyond tedious, his persistent and unwarranted attacks on others childish and spiteful and the endless arguing (by new and old) with his UTTERLY IMMOVABLE position. But how are the new members supposed to know? Figure it out for themselves, then probably fuck off. Which we get to witness. Repeat. It has often said this board should have an entrance exam, well it does and it is LeazesMag. If you can put up with his shite and tolerate having to skim read hundreds of posts then Welcome Aboard! No wonder we have such a small group of (largely very tolerant) regular posters for such an otherwise great forum. Having said that much about one poster reflects the fact I really like this place and I want it to improve. I know the alternative, of course.
  15. Not guilty. Rightio then, sack Fabio and get Harry in.
  16. I've been through all this shite, it's beyond dreadful. Words aren't much use like. Just keep going is about all it boils down to.
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