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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Changing posts is childish and a very quick way to encourage division and dissolution.
  2. There's a canny and cheap home brew shop in the old indoor market in Durham too.
  3. Fill the holes in then. It's not behaviour though is it, it's personality. And they don't change for a few empty rules. Even Mother Teresa occasionally told people to get fucked.
  4. How's this for self policing then, saving the faces of all in charge. After a set number of warnings/reprimands a public vote is called, mods and rockers cannot vote. If a certain number / percentage / whatever call for disfellowship then it is granted. Let the people decide. That should be fair to all shouldn't it?
  5. Did BBNs post just get changed?
  6. Things That Make You Go Hmm is a thing that makes me feel old. Yeah. It also makes me feel angry.
  7. No problem at all. I trust him, you and the others to tcb tbph.
  8. On the whole this place polices itself perfectly well. I'm not saying you're redundant like.
  9. This place has been fantastic the last week or so, no new rules or further changes necessary tbh.
  10. It's a very close run ting, not only because of our late run. We would equally be happy to just pip you, of all the also rans.
  11. Aye, it's good and the multiplayer is like Peter Pervert is finally getting me to throttle him.
  12. Motherwell (population 30,311) in the Champions League next year?
  13. Just saw his hard won retirement interview. What a massive wanker he is. "Yeah like all top athletes around the world, it's really hard to let go of life at the top". Then you must have had at least 5 years of abject misery, you poor soul.
  14. Fuck it man, the Cockney Mafia have replacements for the replacements. Cisse was 3rd choice.
  15. If we can keep him for another 2-3 full seasons we might just actually win something.
  16. Must be at least 5 threads on RTG about that goal by now.
  17. I've watched that 10 times in a row and giggled like a schoolgirl all the way through. WHAT A FUCKING PLAYER.
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