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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. There's not much crying going on here mind Ant.
  2. Maybe Joey is in the closet, would explain a lot tbf.
  3. Boxers are at least meant to play the part of a thug in a violent sport. Joey has fuck all excuse and has used all his lives up.
  4. Hard to recall a bigger dickhead in world sport.
  5. How many deflected goals have we conceded this season. Players need to stop getting in the way of shots, give Timmy a chance.
  6. Gauntlet thrown then, Sunset Stripped on Fuel for the Flames.
  7. Amazing effort with all the spoiler hides gents. I'm looking at you Toonpack.
  8. Stop sweat from pouring into your eyes, useful when chasing prey/playing footy.
  9. Am I living in a box? Am I living in a cardboard box?
  10. I like what Frankie Boyle sez, when they finally discover the Higgs-Boson a huge sign pops up 'Level 2'.
  11. Can we IP ban Facebook? I find their omnipresent silence somewhat disturbing, particularly in this thread.
  12. Agreed, I just put meaningful there in case I offended anyone who thought this was all important. I'm not as ham fisted as you.
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