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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. His second goal, absolutely sublime touch and finish. Some boy.
  2. Sunderland established football on the Vega’s third AND fourth planets, so it’s fair enough really. FTM
  3. He’s Japanese, you careless racist.
  4. This has been a miserable slog to wade through. And after the effort I feel you deserve this abortion. My dyslexic raver mate set up a climbing company in Jamaica. Parties of the Carabiner.
  5. Meth eth eth eth, eth eth eth eth eth.
  6. Surely we want to showcase the best of the UK? I mean that is where the discussion ends. Sunderland is a fucking cesspit.
  7. Toilets free of integrated faecal foot baths.
  8. Kwak plinth makes a canny dildo stand. You’re welcome.
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