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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. He raises the dead He raises the deead Hatem Ben Arfa He raises the dead!
  2. Just announced on 5 live as fact too, good lad.
  3. She proceeded to get hiccups, which exacerbated her pain, and later threw up all night from the meds. Have just reapplied her dressings and put her to bed, what a fucking nightmare she's had. Thank you for the concern gents, I think she'll get away without too much scarring as it's only blistered in a few parts. You never know what cowpat is around the corner in life, do you?
  4. Let's hope the new lad can immediately become our best CB in a generation, or we are fucked.
  5. Ms TS might be the clumsiest person on Earth, I've forgotten most of her exploits (fallen in between train and platform more than once, for instance) but she's topped the lot tonight. Somehow contrived to tip a pan of boiling water all over herself, massive scalds on her torso, thigh and foot. Now covered in Flamazine and she's off her head on painkillers the poor lass.
  6. I for one will be buoycourting Argentinian products until the end of the season.
  7. While you're on can you put him in Acapulco?
  8. Taylor 3rd choice, Willo 4. Fucking hell.
  9. If you want to discuss Sunderland can you fuck off over to RTG please?
  10. I appreciated the dark satire Meenzer, I also read your comment in parentheses
  11. Brian, so-called takeaway/internet uber-geordie supafan HARDMAN, welcome to the forum! Fancy writing any articles for us?
  12. Well done for having a go tbh. If more people did that to him they might just get through. And congrats on not getting lamped.
  13. What if it was a referendum to abolish referendums?
  14. Aye exactly. Under Keegan it was 'we'll score more than you', Pardew seems to aiming for 'we'll concede less than you'. One approach has more scope for victory. I read somewhere that Gouffran is Ba's replacement. So we may well have done our business this week.
  15. I think we probably have more immigrants than WWOOTs, and so with the apathetic middle we'll end up staying in.
  16. Not voted on anything this big since we turfed Nasty Nick out.
  17. Sammy's picture 23 or 28 Someone Ameobi!
  18. Aye, I'm not disagreeing with any of that, just unpicking the minds of the chancers who run the place.
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