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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. http://www.highdefdigest.com/news/show/Whore_of_the_Orient/LA_Noire/Spiritual_Sequel_to_LA_Noire_Whore_of_The_Orient_Cruising_for_2015_Release/10538 Sequel mooted for 2015, called "Whore of the Orient". I bet the fucking thing would make you wear a rubber.
  2. Gayliens get married around the back aisle of the moon.
  3. I don't want any gays around here corrupting these young boys of mine.
  4. Might even have passed themselves off as it once or twice, for shits, giggles and gold.
  5. A rare return to form by the psychedelic maestros.
  6. They acquiesced to the possibility of aliens a few year back. Letting the grays in but not the gays.
  7. trophyshy


    I just realised it's probably the only proper meal I make that takes longer to eat than prepare.
  8. trophyshy


    Aye had a few of those down here too. Very nice.
  9. trophyshy


    It's pragmatic, you have the grater out for the ginger and you're only doing the one clove.
  10. trophyshy


    My efforts to shed a few pounds have me enjoying noodle soup for lunch every day. I love noodle soup; it is piss easy to make, flexible to adapt, filling and very healthy as long as you don't start adding double cream. Grate one clove garlic and one similar size piece of ginger into a pan. Don't bother to peel anything, just grate on. Add 300ish ml boiled water and put on the stove on a medium heat. Drop in some fresh veg - for laziness I often use a pre cut stir fry mix - the kind of thing you can get in Tesco for £1.50 - it has bean shoots, onion, grated carrot, peppers, mushroom etc. If using one of these pre mixes I add about a quarter, a large handful. if you have some frozen peas or sweetcorn add a small handful of them too. I sometimes add a small amount of frozen soy mince for extra texture A healthy glug of soy sauce and a few drops of good chilli sauce according to your preference. Also a small handful of coriander if you have some in. I have some brown vermicelli noodles and I add 50 g of those - they are ideal as they are cooked in a couple of minutes. Once the noodles are done, pour into large bowl and eat with chopsticks and a spoon for greatest satisfaction.
  11. Easy way to get the church on board with gay marriage, lower the marriageable age for boys to 10.
  12. Baby this thing we have is so special, we need to get the authorities involved in it.
  13. Tina Turner wouldn't stand for this like.
  14. I found Monroe Transfer's next nick.... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ozone%20stargazing
  15. It's like never wanking in case you get caught.
  16. Colo there, doing his best to ensure fannies around the region are still on tap.
  17. www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5fNBhE1TWo All praise to Allah, obviously.
  18. Paying them too much respect there. 7 nout all the way, with Goufrann scoring 8 of them. Torres sent off for stimulation and Ashley Cole's lung accidentally punctured by a combative midfield ball boy.
  19. trophyshy


    Just made 62 single serve cottage pies. Meaty one, Blue one and Curry one. Geet lush!
  20. I think we'll get something out of this. Who are we playing again?
  21. Some of us have a four day weekend and just suck it up tbh.
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