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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Sit further forward and you'll have to use the brush less.
  2. Conversely it could be stated that standers are so fearful of this simple manoeuvre that they must be cack-handed
  3. If the man is mostly sitting, turn a blind eye to a late flourish, we're not The Bottom Inspectors.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QHGqSV-q_o
  5. trophyshy


    You're not getting any you chilli skank. Tarragon works though, hoy plenty of that in the next one.
  6. trophyshy


  7. Obertan reminds me of a dog trying to turn a corner at pace on linoleum.
  8. After years of defending standers on here I just actually thought about it whilst in the act and realised I'm a sitter. Wiping your arse must be a bit like driving a familiar route.
  9. This thread should form part of any future Toontastic induction.
  10. "Wiping your arse started by Holden McGroin" Proper technique that, pull everything forward out the way.
  11. Considerably warmer in Brighton than it was in Turkey.
  12. Yeni fucking Raki. Serious bastard behind the eyes today.
  13. Sorry Tom. Dogs' lives are too brief anyway but that's just shite.
  14. Skylar. A shite name made worse by that drag queen in BB.
  15. Is it reasonable to unfriend someone because they've given their baby a fucking stupid name?
  16. That's fair enough, however credit/acknowledgement does not require forgiveness. I absolutely detest Radiohead and always will but I can credit them with having talent.
  17. I think he's a died in the wool mentalist, a cautionary tale.
  18. He's referring to you isn't he?
  19. If we win a trophy under the FC will you grace him with any credit?
  20. When you're single, concentrate on getting loads of female friends, other women covet their approval. Lazy partner selection tbh, but seems to be true. Obviously once you've tapped up you'll have to ditch all your female friends.
  21. Going to Pearl Festival in Kent. Looks canny, if you like that sort of thing.
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