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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Just under half an hour. First time I have run since I did the GNR 3.5 years ago!
  2. I ran 5k last night, I fucking hate running so this was MASSIVE.
  3. The filth dynasty I think.
  4. Respect, what do you know of respect you dasypygal bint?
  5. Ten minutes after he came on he jogged from our half when Sissoko and Cisse were breaking out and he should have been sprinting. Lazy, ginger dwa tbh.
  6. Down here? With Chelsea on? When I've just been to the gym? With these trousers on? On a Thursday? With my tea in the oven?
  7. Could anyone offer me anything better than the pinhole camera I am currently 'enjoying'?
  8. The way we have ground out victories at home lately is encouraging. I think we'll just do it.
  9. Wondered who you were going to fall out with this month Ant.
  10. http://email.nufc.co.uk/In/29776612/0/sf3ddB~tlBb1h17QIp4bK3o2A_8_jB6koR4qa87phu8/
  11. Wor lass has just made her own Japanese flag.
  12. Another one? You're taking this micro penis fetish too far. Good luck anyway.
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