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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Steven Taylor would have stopped that.
  2. Put a question mark after the word genius then.
  3. Accurate, but QF of the Europa does not yet vindicate him.
  4. I'd sit on a cock for 25k a week, tbf.
  5. Call him a cunt, Callum's a cunt, Call him a cunt, Callum's a cunt. I've not worked out which tune that goes to yet but the lyrics nail it.
  6. So the government flog off all their housing stock and now want to buy a slice of private houses in a vastly overpriced market? If the housing market collapses, as it needs to, they'll still want their cut....smells like bullshit to me.
  7. I'd be fucking seething but Tayls is so vainglorious he'll probably be happy as long as TV cameras show him doing the sideways Tigger along the line a couple of times.
  8. Barnes has proven himself to be mick as thince numerous times, a more able rapper than pundit.
  9. This makes no sense, the referee saw the incident and sent him to the stands? Double jeopardy.
  10. Callum would perhaps have preferred official punishment, because now Tiote's going to have to snap all his shit up. Seriously, this sort of failure just encourages unsavoury personal retribution. Justice will be done, why not control it? Dickheads.
  11. Do they not know Williamson is available?
  12. He deserves it, but I'm not sure the international stage is ready for his massive head and sideways dancing.
  13. FA putting him in a human caterpillar with Sam Allardyce and Richard Keys for a month apparently. Seems fair.
  14. Dave Whelan has just had a full 5 minutes on five live saying it was a 'nothing tackle' and the boy won the ball cleanly and it was just a 'collision'. He also claims that Halsey saw it clearly and thought there was nothing wrong with it, hence the lack of a free kick etc.
  15. This is what happens when refs don't mete out immediate justice. The second half could be absolute chaos.
  16. It's a serious battle of will for me, I'm fighting with myself every 30 seconds to keep going. I do my own napper in with it, I can't just zone out.
  17. Just under half an hour. First time I have run since I did the GNR 3.5 years ago!
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