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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-2320978/Mike-Ashley-pay-Alan-Pardew-10m-sacks-Newcastle-manager-year-deal-Charles-Sale.html?ito=feeds-newsxml has to be bollocks
  2. It's like a show for people with ADHD, let's have 3 minutes of this storyline and then move on to the next 12 storylines and we'll maybe come around again in 50 or 100 minutes time. Jumped the stark for me and I have ADHD.
  3. Agreed, I'm at the end of my tether.
  4. Fucking hell, first Thatcher now this.
  5. Aye, truth really is stranger than fiction. You seen the bloke who kicked the door in, he's class. Watch to the very end. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/10041116/Cleveland-abductions-the-Big-Mac-hero-who-made-vital-discovery.html
  6. The fans will probably give up their homes for free now that the anti-scousedia has picked up on this.
  7. And his house was robbed by scousers.
  8. Chris Tarrant next on my wishlist.
  9. CT will be on here any second.
  10. Luke? How about implanted memories (à la Total Recall) that we've supported Man United all our lives?
  11. These teams playing eachother down the bottom will mostly be draws. Except Wigan who have some sort of magic lamp.
  12. CBA to work out if it's possible but what happens if the teams in 17 and 18 place are on the same points, same GD, same goals for and against and both of their games were drawn. It's coin toss isn't it?
  13. I think he would have nicked a few more goals than Cisse has, isn't he still our top scorer? Edit, in the league aye, http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/top-scorers
  14. We would be in this position if Ba was still here? But you do make a good point, trying to accommodate Ba AND THEN HIM FUCKING OFF ANYWAY was, in hindsight, folly.
  15. Not concerned that we'll slide even further behind the teams who we have been competing with to a fair degree over the last 20 years? This is the worst possible season to be relegated given the money available to PL teams next year. How will this impact Ashley's attitude toward us (will he give even less of a fuck?), does this reduce the chance of getting a better owner? By extension, should we just drift down the conference as there'll still be games week in week out? Does anything really matter?
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