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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. If he wins that bet, will he be a happy man? Answers after the brey-ak.
  2. Wtf has that got to do with anything anyway? poo-wah! And wor lass works in Greggs.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/05/investigation-after-57-world-triathlon-championship-swimmers-fall-sick-and-get-diarrhoea-in-sunderland-race?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. How’s about them apples @RobinRobin?
  5. I was watching this in the middle of the pissing night and turned it off at 79 minutes.
  6. It was a Mag. Obviously trying to give them a bad name.
  7. Anderson's close control is superb, nicely worked goal and assist.
  8. What’s Howe doing with that towel? Expecting Vogons?
  9. Just Stop Oil was conceived in Hendon tbf.
  10. This is a goldmine, Blackpool; http://www.dougiewallace.com/blackpool/
  11. We will compete, playing good football. We will enjoy, again. All else is wibble.
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