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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Abeid, Amalfitano and Gosling all on way out.
  2. trophyshy


    Better make sure any nutrients are boiled out of those greens too.
  3. Aye. Good anti-feline propaganda though, selfish little ingrates as they are. Between that and the Horizon the other week, I expect salmon spawning will be poor this season.
  4. Watched Life of Pi, thought it was a bit unbelievable really.
  5. I would speculate it's a buoy to mark the swimming area.
  6. Well done, they are most mammorable.
  7. Still nay idea! Mine up now?
  8. Too hard and obscured Fist. How about these classics.
  9. Shocking it took 50 posts to tits mind. How about a 'whose tits are these?' thread
  10. Correct. Had a bit of work done by the looks of it.
  11. It would be nice to hear him speak his mind for once.
  12. As close as it ever gets to empathy on this board. It still fuckin knacks you bastards.
  13. Any way you look at it this seems to be an unmitigated clusterfuck, which I think means we'll have an inexplicably storming season or, more likely, be relegated.
  14. Pardew saying the players are not good enough sounds like excuse 117 on his Rolodex. Carr seems to me to be justified in rejecting that which infers that Pardew is unable to make the best of them. I can't see Kinnear improving this stand off in any way whatsoever.
  16. Brighton & Hove binmen been on strike for a week. The city is absolutely disgusting, it's like an apocalyptic stinky nightmare, shite absolutely everywhere. It usually takes them a week to catch up after Xmas day, and they're striking again next week so we will have an entire summer of filth I imagine. The council is Green too, fucking spackers.
  17. If I'd been working on a project for that long and some gobshite came in and kiboshed it arbitrarily I'd probably walk too. Fucking Kinnear, what a prize cunt.
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