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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Isn't he also fucking an infidel?
  2. trophyshy


    You might be right mate but it's a done deal and Ashley has proven what it says in my signature many times over.
  3. (We should definitely start calling him Wallace)
  4. Russians rioting, not sure what about..
  5. Or, his brain is a football. A casey, circa 1976.
  6. and the TRUTH shall set us FREE. Fuck religion AND fuck predatory capitalism. And fuck Joe Kinnear whilst we're about it.
  7. They've hired this fitness bint to avoid injuries, we'll be fine if she ensures no injuries. (that's what they're thinking I reckon)
  8. I don't know why I love you like I do All the trouble you put me through. Take my money, my cigarettes I haven't seen the worst of it yet.
  9. Close the multi faith room if he won't wear the shirt.
  10. Cisse should start his own alternative interest free payday loan company, that would be the truly Islamic thing to do. Refusing to wear a shirt is neither here nor there in the grand scheme if you wish to make a difference.
  11. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2013/jul/18/sports-direct-staff-bonus-mike-ashley
  12. He's chosen to work in one of the least islamic businesses and cultures possible (for a capitalist arsehole). Whilst I admire a man who makes a stand, he wants his cake and to eat it too. Wonga, the straw the broke the muslim's back? It's like going to work in a brothel and refusing sodomy as God forbade it.
  13. So both stories confirmed in one article, Bent is Cisse's replacement then?
  14. In light of the above, he's a massive hypocrite (i) for coming to work in such an industry in the first place (wealth in the hands of the few, promotes gambling, sells booze, etc etc) and (ii) working for a cunt like Ashley (who is almost the devil incarnate in regard to the guidance above). Assuming he has in the past been happy to turn a blind eye to all of the above, this can only be viewed as a strategy for more money which makes him a treble, possibly quadruple, hypocrite. As there are no ethics in football anymore then I have no clue where this will go, but most likely the team, and fans, will ultimately suffer. Allahu Akbar, btw.
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