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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Nay chance we'll keep a clean sheet.
  2. Filth, thoroughly enjoyable and about about as wrong as any film I can remember since Bad Boy Bubby. I was pissing myself every few minutes. Not something to see with your missus mind you, three couples walked out in ours - all lead by the lass.
  3. Good luck Tooj. Don't tell them about your Tramadol habit.
  4. Off the meds again P?
  5. He's full of shit though. All his talk about 'one or two in' then 'we don't need anyone'. He was a smarmy weasel before he came to NUFC and nothing has changed, other than a few people are suffering Stockholm Syndrome.
  6. Breaking Bad is like the huge black mamba that spoils it for everyone thereafter.
  7. So not the whole thing then?
  8. Are we still talking about GTAO?
  9. This England game is actually enjoyable. Bizarre.
  10. You've got cats haven't you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ-jv8g1YVI
  11. That episode on Sunday was a shambles.
  12. Aye that was funny, I was up for taking the lot on! Wor lass got home when we were doing the gun fights, I wasn't really paying attention so apols for the piss poor drug stealing.
  13. Good for making a quick £150 which you can offset against the increase in postage prices over the next few years.
  14. RPI has averaged 4.1% since the flagrant welching, therefore Deano you currently owe the SBR foundation £54.27
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