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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. As the telly's there anyway he won't give a fuck if anyone turns up. "Newcastle United to trial TV only games"
  2. If ever there was a game to bouycourt it's this, they've said they're not interested in the cups and we will get humped anyway. Just don't go.
  3. I have a funny feeling we'll sneak a goal in this one. 1-7.
  4. It does if all you want is a brown nosing, dog faced lickspittle.
  5. Vacuum service bot sounds like a canny Saturday night tbf.
  6. He thinks we're all ingrates. Without him we'd be in league 2.
  7. Sativex. Don't let them fob you off with anything else.
  8. Did you go in the old pub? I spent most my time in there last visit. Quality.
  9. It's clear the spirit at the club is broken, there is the occasional rally but on balance we've served up the same gutless shite for 12 months now. That wanker Francis today said Cabaye was too good for Newcastle, heart breakingly accurate under the current regime and he's probably still gutted he missed his move. I can't blame him. Tonight Matthew, I'm burning my muslim shed.
  10. Ant can you knock the board off for the rest of the day?
  11. Cracking goal. Cisse is as good as useless these days, wtf happened to him?
  12. He is absolutely accurate in his assessment of the status quo and I sincerely hope the revolution he espouses is imminent.
  13. Mostly hung on the one wall in each room with flocked floral wallpaper.
  14. Why would you want your wife happy? Asking for trouble.
  15. The white background offering scant respite from the blackness of their shared existence.
  16. Family photos with a white background and soft focus on every wall throughout the entire house. Can't you just throw a few mirrors up instead?
  17. Genius this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFGzed0g-dk&feature=player_embedded#t=87
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