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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Higher rate is (typically) taxed above £41,450 not £32,000. £32k is the amount over your tax free personal allowance (PA) upon which you pay 20%. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/banking/tax-rates
  2. Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. FFS
  3. It's all pissing in the wind, corporations and PLCs need to be accountable to their customers and/or shareholders. This is just one bloke doing what the fuck he wants and no amount of 'connecting with the fans' is going to change that. They'd be better off having an evening in the Bodega.
  4. HF you should be in there, how can we get you in?
  5. Firework up your bum Kangol on You're allowed outside again. Peter Reid Monkey man. FTM blue pop 9-1 In the land of shit and piss.
  6. Patience requested. With the outcome being what, exactly?
  7. trophyshy


    Possibly the worst I've ever seen on here.
  8. Just let him back on here permanently but limit him to 140 characters per post.
  9. Come on Leazes, let bygones be bygones and at least say hello.
  10. Twitter shares shot up already.
  11. He's like a shit Viz character.
  12. I always park in the kiddies spaces and just say I've lost them.
  13. There'll be blue pop over the shite cliffs at Roker.
  14. Approaching 8 hours without a goal.
  15. Pardew has something to hang his hat on now, the useless arsehole. "If that wud av gone in blarghhl blaghl blarghghglanslkdjahd;oifhqe;roivq;ioerogvo'`aeirG`AEae`qr"
  16. You have got to be fucking joking
  17. Too obvious all of this. Do a star jump or something ffs.
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