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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. You'll all change your tune when English players dominate in Brazil.
  2. Worth putting up with the odd dragon for the good dialogue and frequent tits. Was it the frequent tits that made your lass veto?
  3. Gemmill will be along any minute to insult you all. I pushed a few lasses up the moon door, but never out of one. Great scene.
  4. Why would you impose this on anyone? Worse than Islam ffs.
  5. Sometimes people do things out of anger or to relieve pent up emotion without expecting it to achieve anything else. It's quite common really.
  6. Won't someone please leave the bygones alone!
  7. Tbf he's moving on to a better club.
  8. I reckon they offered him £5k a week.
  9. More goals in 17 minutes than we managed in 23 games.
  10. Anyone going to watch what used to be the biggest game of the year?
  11. Pardew or Satan is the only 'Pardew or' I'd spend more than half a second on.
  12. We could spend £100m and still be dogshit though. The 'exist' ethos and Alan Pardew will see to that.
  13. How about self immolation? Poll?
  14. Hoyed some spuds in in support of you CT.
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