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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Good strategic timing of another Royal parasite too, think that should help you over the line.
  2. If he came out and said that on television he'd instantly be a hero again. Surely someone at the club can see beyond themselves?
  3. More than a bit over the top. Shows little understanding of fans' sentiments, but I suppose we live in an age (or at the very least support a club) where that is meaningless.
  4. Next naysayer, get your reasons up please. I can loosely appreciate the pro-armageddon stance of Scoobos, assuming I have actually understood it. I can't see it happening, which is why I remain in the STCN club. On what basis, on any level, should Alan Pardew still be managing Newcastle United? Don't make me list the reasons why he shouldn't.
  5. Ketamine would definitely sort your pain out CT. Start knocking 'round your neighbours.
  6. So your rationale is that in keeping Pardew we are more likely to, or more hurriedly going to, achieve financial meltdown and therefore possibly unseat Ashley?
  7. It was with Houghton aye. Pardew's demonstrated several times he can't beat lower league opposition either.
  8. Mate of a mate took this pic at a wedding in Bradford today.
  9. I honestly think Ashley wants to walk the line between survival in the PL and irritating fans.
  10. Have you tried drinking half a bottle of Scotch?
  11. ££££££££££££££££&&&£££££&£&£&£&££&£££££
  12. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alan-Pardew-is-a-Twat/538082336210344
  13. I'm reminded of Sybil Fawlty's ingrown toenail.
  14. He lost his bit of quality when he was detatched from his placenta.
  15. I wish Pardew had got Ebola over the line.
  16. 'Wewuz lost Seem and that's really hurt us'
  17. I liked her. RIP Alex Jones has proposed she might have been offed by the illuminati for calling Obama gay and Michelle a tranny.
  18. I'd say the question mark is also superfluous.
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