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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. I'm surprised he can find the stadium tbh, 'we wuz headin to vuh game, and somhaar eyz ended up in Powerhouse'.
  2. Are you implying I completely made it up? How FUCKING dare you?!
  3. Pardew's teams have only scored twice in under 6 minutes in his entire time as manager, that means the odds of it happening on Saturday are 288-1
  4. The single best supporter effort I've ever seen. Thank fuck for whoever this lot are. Stay anonymous.
  5. Everyone will be thoroughly searched for these signs. Stick them in your pants. Expect a delayed kick off.
  6. Poor choice of word this morning Fish.
  7. Address the symptom while you work on a guillotine vaccine.
  8. Pardew probly finks it's a fret to his own Niagaras.
  9. How can you mistranslate initials? @@Meenzer?
  10. And the guns are shit, the upgraded items boring, the interactions stale. It looks pretty though. I am disappoint. Back to replaying TLOU for me.
  11. Christ almighty, I'd forgotten that beast. Didn't she eat a dog turd?
  12. It's not man. We just know how to push your buttons.
  13. I have a work account, an account I tweet about food from, an account I tweet about TV from, an account I solely use to bait Leazes, a fake Leazes account, an account I tweet about birds I've shagged from and an account I use to tweet about everything else. Perfectly normal Fish lad.
  14. I think Ashley will be lazy as fuck about it and appoint from within or another 'mate'. So Beardsley then, assuming Carver's recent behaviour has at least been acknowledged internally if otherwise ignored.
  15. Don't waste another penny on Ashley tbf.
  16. Might as well take a few spares?
  17. We should be playing this instead of Local Hero under this arsehole.
  18. Aye it is rather repetitive...as in the EXACT same mission every fucking time. Also the casual development of fireteams is almost impossible as by the time you have invited any cunt in they have run off, it takes way too long to invite.
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