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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. The emerging rejection of our 247 availability. Think 'offline' holidays will become increasingly desirable. No kids either.
  2. That was merely a ruse to see which cunt off here I wouldn't take on the drug/sex trip of a lifetime.
  3. 1. I would commence a national programme of reappropriating large unused inner city properties to centres for the housing, education, employment and general assistance of the homeless/neglected in our society. 2. I would develop a hotel in a remote part of the Lakes and establish it as a haven for disconnecting from modern life (no mobiles, no internet, one land line, £100 if you want to use it). 3. I would buy an original Salvador Dali painting, if an appropriate one ever came to market.
  4. Nice to know my posts get read properly now and then. No bother Alex, I think there is a lot of frustration and/or despondancy particularly for fans of about our age as we got a lengthy glimpse (a gander?) of the true potential of the Toon. Perhaps at an age when we were less cynical and our aspirations/reality bubble has burst in a pretty dreadful way. I'm not saying I'd change it, it was awesome - it's just been whitewashed away for corporate greed and arsehole millionaires. We could have stepped up, but we've been stepped on.
  5. Can't we have Paul Merton instead?
  6. Here's some money, now I'm fucking off from the lot of ya!
  7. Whenever Jonathan Pearce commentates I always hope a robot will come on at some stage.
  8. An extra game against Man City could be the difference between 17th and 18th. THROW THIS ONE ALAN!
  9. In front! Done 2 goals. Get more defenders on Alan.
  10. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/former-sunderland-striker-asamoah-gyan-4317996 Former Sunderland striker Asamoah Gyan denies killing rapper friend Castro in human sacrifice ritual
  11. #CRYNEW is a good hashtag. Is Armstrong the Amish one or the one that looks like a cabbage patch kid? #soopafan.
  12. Alex has been putting words in my mouth here, the naughty scamp. Seeing as I am now getting called out by Paddocklad I am obliged to state my position. I won't go because I despise the regime and what he has done to the club, including but certainly not limited to, the long term employment and backing of the worst manager since we started in 1992. Here is a multibillionaire who treats our club and its fans like absolute shite and runs it on buttons, seemingly not caring whatsoever about the community, the ambition, the hope, the impact or the legacy of NUFC to the people of Newcastle and the followers of the club. I was a season ticket holder from when I could first afford it until I moved away from the region for personal reasons. Since then I would go to between 5 and 10 games a year. This period in total spans about 20 years. I understand the 'day out' thing, my dad still goes - I cajole him about it but that's it. I don't think he's a cath for going. The fact the football is not entertaining is not a 'big factor', but certainly worth noting as it is part of the bigger picture. The football is shite because the manager is shite because the owner is shite. I could put up with shite football if I felt there was any hope, pride, direction or meaning to the club. I haven't criticized those who go, it's their business. All I was saying is I would like to see an empty(ish) stadium as that might lead to some sort of change, but in reality probably not, it's academic anyway as it is obviously never going to happen. And in any case, Ashley will do what he wants when he wants, the upstarts probably just make him more determined to do it his way.
  13. Was it the five minute argument you are looking for or the full half hour?
  14. I've just stated above your point is inaccurate. It may have been an easier decision to make, but I have still made it.
  15. A fair point, although I used to go to several away games and one or two home games a season. Packed it in altogether now, I despise the administration and feel very little connection with the team either. It's not even entertaining. At least slamming your cock in the door will lead to a nurse touching it.
  16. Try not going, see if that fails.
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