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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Warm Bodies, on Amazon Prime. Nice twist on a desperately tired genre (zombie apocalypse). One you can enjoy with your other half.
  2. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-faoh-oh-oh-ohayeayeayeayeayeaye
  3. Could this be just the distraction you need to run away?
  4. Do you kill the sneaky bastard at the end?
  5. Barely stopped working the entire 'holidays'. Manifesting the shit out of sending our book to print January 12th.
  6. About time Garth Brooks turned his wisdom into trophies.
  7. Can I be the first to say Clement Tyne.
  8. He looks like he'd probably be happy to get 15 pints out of them.
  9. This is a mental game, somewhere between intrigue and nervous wreck.
  10. He looks like Gordon Ramsey's placenta, the poor cunt.
  11. The traditional top six. Fucking tradition. Like we are traditional mugs.
  12. Pardew will be taking the credit for the defeat, as he would have done a victory.
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