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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. The only inaccuracy there is the tense.
  2. FRINGE PLAYER WANTS AWAY from managerless shambles. Good work KnightRyder and SHITT.
  3. When will he be scoring against us and liking them apples?
  4. Carver announced within 12 hours of window slamming shut. "We looked long and hard at all the candidates and decided: 'fuck it, he'll dee'"
  5. Precisely how I feel about Thom Yhork.
  6. Can we have something less niche? What's with all the football questions?
  7. I think if you also did these whilst games were on, we'd all have a better time.
  8. Accusations that once it was at an orgy. Surely other witnesses?
  9. This should replace Local Hero:
  10. Is it like Game of Thrones?
  11. I've no hope in regard to the club. Surely this is the norm on here?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY3ByY38QNg
  13. Saying 'he finished 5th once' is akin to me once shagging a 16 year old. It's utterly irrelevant now and highly unlikely to ever happen again.
  14. Good post ADP, but I'd call Pardew fungus rather than fruit. Time will tell I suppose. But he is a cunt.
  15. Aye, donkeyshite to you anarl!
  16. They'll get a foreign head coach who doesn't speak English and keep him that way. 'Weee wuzz prissing too hurd beecoz of zee fans"
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