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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Does anyone know where to buy land mines?
  2. Allah believes in your soul! (not yours SEW; infidel).
  3. I thought I would hate it but absolutely loved it. Everything about the place is fucking wrong. It's a cancerous growth of depravity and excess but you can have a serious amount of fun there.
  4. Maradona, Pele, Messi, Zico, Zidane and Scott Sellars.
  5. No, I actually thought it would be amusing to wind them up. But if you want to make this all about you, crack on bonny lad.
  6. It's what we have. We are ruled by an Establishment. Politics is window dressing. At least in China they are honest about it.
  7. Much like Carver, Kinnear, Llambias, etc.
  8. Getting pissed 'for free' at a cheap slot machine is barely worthwhile. It's utter insanity to do it for soft drinks.
  9. Can you go and ask some questions on the Rangers forum Fish?
  10. Only 5 more days of this detailed build up left.
  11. Should be able to beat them with that line up tbf.
  12. Nils (0) each I think. Is one more point enough for us to walk in a Carver Wonderland?
  13. He's trying to make us all blind. Bit niche/obscure/archaic, granted.
  14. They'll be shellshocked by the best conch in the league.
  15. Massive ONE point from the last TWENTY SEVEN from the best couch in the league. Proud to be a Geordie th'neet and am gonna lamp wor lass to celebrate.
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