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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Does Makro still exist btw?
  2. Don't be like that Gemmill. He'll turn it around in the summer man! Garde's on his way in, big injection of cash for all areas of the squad. Surely he won't keep repeating the same mistakes and will want to protect his asset? ET FUCKING CETERA
  3. As I think HF has already noted, it's relegation next year if not this. I'd prefer this year.
  4. This alone deserves a two week ban.
  5. This was much enjoyed and appreciated while it lasted.
  6. Yeah, where is the water breathing thundercunt?
  7. Is it Hull who'll keep us up then?
  8. I fell asleep. Are we losing?
  9. Someone like me is constantly on reddit, ah kna that.
  10. This is probably really good if you have any interest in baseball whatsoever but it lost me after about 25 minutes of people gibbering on about sliders and spitballs. Louie is suberb, obvs.
  11. Fuck that man, London is next against the wall after the Royals.
  12. Max 1 hour and even that is taking the piss.
  13. Whichever I can get to feckin work. I told you I was ill.
  14. I've got Malaria or Dengue or some shit at the minute. You've probably brushed both of these off simultaneously. Recommend anything good on Prime or Netflix, I refuse Sky.
  15. I've not seen any of those, should I sully myself?
  16. I quite enjoyed Prometheus but I watched it having no clue it was associated with anything else. Sure it was a bit wank, but what isn't nowadays?
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