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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. "We are not going to rush into this important, timely decision."
  2. There's been a bomb threat at FIFA HQ apparently.
  3. She looks like a pug having a shit.
  4. One has shitloads of water.
  5. Christ she is ugly. Am I allowed to say that?
  6. Probably do it when they get back from holiday.
  7. He'll point to the injury record.What we have to worry about is how feckless/spineless Charnley is. Sadly I suspect he is about as much use as a dead jellyfish conducting an orchestra. So Carver.
  8. He will never have taken a direct bribe. Cash only from his minions. They'll reveal this under water boarding.
  9. Aye the pair of them remind me of the parable of the scorpion which hops a ride on the fox's back across a river and they both drown because the scorpion can't help but sting the fox. Except they're actually both just pissed up sloths who can't swim anyway and drown from sheer idiocy.
  10. Is this the stat that will see John Carver at the helm next year?
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