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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Schteve will knock us back and having put all our eggs in the basket we'll have no other option than to leave John at the helm. How's that for peshimism?
  2. Job security if you are prepared to take it like a bitch.
  3. Just got a free bottle of Fleurie for finding/returning someone's laptop bag. I say returning, they came to mine and dropped the wine off. Good deeds pay off. Hic.
  4. The Bed My Club Made is a little like that art bird's the one with the huge knorks and a face like chopped pork. It's surrounded by litter, evidence, if you ask me, that you could likely whop it up her shitter.
  5. Where the fuck have the little kids gone? The ones with magic powers? Not been in the season at all have they?
  6. Couldn't miss that Oliphant in the room. Unless it was dark.
  7. So, you're a coins-in-the-wallet guy?
  8. Phone implant went okay then?
  9. How do you keep the 'I'm your boss too' business cards intact?
  10. A lesson why no man should keep coins in his wallet.
  11. "which one?" "both of wuz man!" "sorry John"
  12. This reminds me, I saw this pic of a young KK in Sao Paulo last month...
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