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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. There was plenty wrong with her, sadly for me she was unreasonably hot too.
  2. I took my then Kiwi girlfriend to the hospital in Toowoomba as she wouldn't shut up about her painful stomach. 3 hours later and a bemused doctor told her she had constipation. Fucking great night that was.
  3. Toonotl'll not'll like this mind, he's a seppo isn't he?
  4. There's no need for an apostrophe in i've mate.
  5. Forget the gum, you have 48 hours.
  6. Communion is a good one. Allegedly true(ish) too.
  7. The landscaping formation is by miles the best ever on here.
  8. Asswaffle and Douchenozzle sounds like a film I watched.
  9. Pardewolia, believing you see a good manager when they don't exist.
  10. There's deliquescent perchlorates on Mars lads.
  11. It's institutionalised 20/20 collective hindsight gone mad.
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