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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. I just tried to spend £24 credit I have with a company, credit they have been advising me of with a statement every month since April. They've asked me to state what I bought from them 8 months ago so that they could fill in a form to send up to accounts so that the money could be credited back to my bank account so I could then spend the credit.
  2. There's fuck all entertainment We very rarely score, let alone win The owner has no ambition for the club The players don't care There's fuck all atmosphere The beer is expensive and shithouse The traffic is a ballache Steve McClaren ffs Yes, I'm going to the Palace game No, I don't know why Am I forgetting anything?
  3. Disbelief he's ever failed anything. And disappointment.
  4. I've just spent 3 hours doing our VAT return in preparation for the Palace game.
  5. We started it this season didn't we?
  6. Predictable that he wouldn't post his own thoughts.
  7. McClaren should get a skinhead, no one will take him seriously with that absurd vol au vent up top.
  8. You only have to go into a Sports Direct to see how inspiring it is to be part of the Ashley empire. They've all got faces like the one bringing up the rear of the human centipede.
  9. This is what I want too. I'm getting out of the city centre at last. Good luck!
  10. Our best hope is the entire team hate him because he attempted to shag all their birds.
  11. Why retrofit when you can turboshit? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/131045327462?adgroupid=13585920426&hlpht=true&hlpv=2&rlsatarget=kwd-131843278386&ul_ref=http%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover%252F1%252F710-134428-41853-0%252F2%253Fipn%253Dicep%2526icep_id%253D67%2526mtid%253D1673%2526kwid%253D1%2526crlp%253D50600204586_563391%2526icep_item_id%253D131045327462%2526itemid%253D131045327462%2526icep_meta_categ_id%253D131090%2526icep_etrs%253DN%2526icep_epid%253D-999%2526icep_ctlg%253D-999%2526icep_cond%253DNew%2526targetid%253D131843278386%2526rlsatarget%253Dkwd-131843278386%2526rpc%253D0.19%2526rpc_upld_id%253D59072%2526device%253Dm%2526icep_msku_flag%253Dn%2526icep_cbt%253Dn%2526adtype%253Dpla%2526loc%253D1006565%2526poi%253D1006565%2526campaignid%253D207297426%2526adgroupid%253D13585920426%2526gclid%253DCjwKEAiAstCyBRDiqu75hvnX82kSJACgYI_Q3x7Xtwb4RFFmEN7lIC7Azn20tizdBZkokfDulmNEXxoCAYLw_wcB%2526srcrot%253D710-134428-41853-0%2526rvr_id%253D937001884219&adtype=pla&ff3=1&lpid=122&poi=1006565&ul_noapp=true&limghlpsr=true&ff19=0&device=m&chn=ps&campaignid=207297426&crdt=0&ff12=67&ff11=ICEP3.0.0-L&ff14=122&viphx=1&ops=true&ff13=80
  12. They're shining a light on Carr, someone should let them know he doesn't sign the players.
  13. Fuck, maybe I shouldn't bother buying a house at the minute.
  14. If I could be arsed, I'd make a Jar Jar Binks/Moussa photoshop with "Moussa the best jedi in da league" as the caption. But I can't so just fucking imagine it, alright?
  15. trophyshy


    Very impressed with your restraint CT. Bravo
  16. trophyshy


    Thanks, all is well - my business partner is a massive hypochondriac.
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