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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Listening to this... watching this....
  2. Or, people might actually have no clue who these cunts are and there is nothing wrong with that. Just like there is nothing wrong with never having given anyone a prosecco blowjob.
  3. Have a large whiskey, good for tinnitus.
  4. I've heard of a yard of ale but that's just ridiculous.
  5. As the screen is too big for his room anyway maybe the sound problems will even things out.
  6. Not concerned by all the lip sync problems with that model?
  7. Ours was in a fancy restaurant last night, Nick Cave was also in there, my colleague kept calling him Nick Drake which was the highlight of the experience really.
  8. http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2015/12/10/man-south-london-steals-lucozade-riding-hoverboard/
  9. Dirty nuke in African city, acceleration of migrant crisis, Paul McCartney snuffs it, Mike Ashley buys Scotland, Trump murdered by a Sikh.
  10. Only if it's no incuntsvenience.
  11. Is there a supporters club, for the fans of the lads? Or a pub?
  12. Working class, left wing, TV under 40", sit down wiper and massive lads fan.
  13. Greater than = more or less of a cunt?
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