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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Fish trying to get everyone on board.. ​
  2. Why don't you go and give your hand a bloody good talking to Fish?
  3. A new term he learned at Arguers Anonymous.
  4. Still in the relegation zone, fewer games to get out. Honestly Fish, do you argue with your hand when you're masturbating?
  5. One day I'll dust off the shiny suit and take you for a spin in my Audi TT convertible.
  6. 1. The toon 2. is a rollercoaster, 3. you've 4. just got to 5. Ryder it.
  7. Is there an FAQ yet? This thread won't fuck off so I'm starting to think I should get on the dance floor.
  8. If only he'd had a cowie.
  9. Or someone planning on giving it to a tramp. Open your heart Gemmill.
  10. Tapatalk thinks you're negative. Show it the door. You don't need those apps in your life.
  11. He isn't going to be good or he is going to be another Shola? No wonder you can't make your mind up tbf. Have a cup of tea and a little lie down.
  12. Sissoko would struggle to hit his wife lately.
  13. Where's the Sunderland match thread ffs?
  14. Ryder's exclusive match report... JOJON IS TOP SHELVEY!!!!!1
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