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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Just voted. When I looked at the form it is laughable. Do you want to be part of this continent's future or do you want to be an insular cunt? That's how it read to me.
  2. Peggy Sue used to be such an innocent ditty.
  3. I was gonna post something about stirring up rage at any cost and the inferred finality of this decision and how disgraceful the leave campaign has been and then I read this and it saves me the bother. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/06/a-day-of-infamy/
  4. At 2 they're not really well developed enough to truly feel the horror, you'd be better off waiting until they're 5 or 6 Gemmill mate.
  5. Fucking hell that is absolutely brutal. All the best to you and yours Stevie. Life is indeed cruel as fuck.
  6. Could I have a lift to Heathrow please?
  7. Where is all the hatred going to go after the result? Some people are going to be well snappy.
  8. This scene was fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Spk2oxCi-bg
  9. Come out of the closet with all sheds blazing. What a fucking tragedy. The bigotry within Islam is what will cause it to eat itself.
  10. It's never going to end. Too many conflicting systems. The yanks could mitigate it a bit but they're pathologically intransigent.
  11. Seasons Greetings lad.
  12. Dave Stewart is a MLF. Annie Lennox is a MILF.
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