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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. And how much is a pint of milk over there, tbs?
  2. Air China lost my luggage. Useless commie Cunts.
  3. You gave them heroin? FFS.
  4. That could just as easily be a chart showing the inverse of how much the Establishment and media had attacked them.
  5. My mackem friend reckons England will win something under Large Samuel.
  6. That is too far man, too far.
  7. I'm getting triple glazing in my kip because of the noisy fuckers.
  8. Will at least add some variety to the Bling-Bling Beats Stepover Krew jinking up sweet fuck all.
  9. I was at that fucking game, turned my back on it for the second half to talk to some mentalist.
  10. Some of the eulogies on the radio this morning make me think he chose the wrong career and, in fact, should be leading us out of Europe and onward to colonising Mars, accessing zero point energy and touching the face of God.
  11. He'll do better than Hodgson, but I think Cameron's fellating pig could manage that.
  12. The first rule of big club is that you don't mention big club.
  13. You still up and down aal awar on that Manumaker 3000 device Gem?
  14. I wonder if May laying it on very (too) thick about taking care of the interests of struggling families was simply her set up so she can say in some months' time that Brexit would likely make their lives considerably worse, so she can't in good conscience do it against the core principles she laid out at the very start of her tenure.
  15. Based on that speech, have we got a sheep in in wolf's clothing?
  16. trophyshy


    The person he retweets the most is Katie Hopkins. Bit of Farage action and "keep up the good work Don"(Trump) too. Remainers being told to grow up, obviously.
  17. FA blatantly just giving up if they're appointing this knacker. What is his target, to keep us on Earth?
  18. I got an email from Sauron in my dream last night. Deleted it without opening it, which I've regretted all day.
  19. I'm long off the bong man, wasted loads on crack though.
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