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trophyshy last won the day on April 16 2022

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About trophyshy

  • Birthday 05/22/1972

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    Still on that feckin island

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  1. It’s beyond parody.
  2. I hope Mogensen knocks the cunt out. In fact I’d pay for that. Might set up a Kickstarter.
  3. A mate tonight suggested his actions are because he wants to be the greatest president but I think he wants to be the last fucking president. America is gone like. Europe has to step the fuck up now. No longer can we shirk our critical role.
  4. I’ve just spent £300 on a limousine then discovered the fee doesn’t include a driver. Can’t believe I’ve spent all that money and nothing to chauffeur it.
  5. Could be anything between 7-0 and 0-7 so I’m going for 0-0.
  6. No no no no no no no no no no no no there's no fences.
  7. This is the way. Injuries mounting and confidence waning on the way to the final. Humiliated 78-0 by the GLORIOUS LIVERPOOL.
  8. I think I have worked out the Wham link. Is it because Eddie and JT have taken us to the edge of heaven?
  9. What's the Wham crack about? Hilarious it's cited everywhere.
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