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Everything posted by ohhh_yeah

  1. A Russian ship asked to be refueled by a Georgian ship as they were about to be empty. They were told to go fuck themselves and to break out the oars and start paddling.
  2. Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen First, we commit to ensuring that a certain number of Russian banks are removed from SWIFT. It will stop them from operating worldwide and effectively block Russian exports and imports. Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen Second, we will paralyse the assets of Russia’s central bank. This will freeze its transactions. And it will make it impossible for the Central Bank to liquidate its assets.
  3. Cyprus and Italy change their position and support cutting Russia off SWIFT. Hungary now the only hold out.
  4. Poland to boycott the WC playoff against Russia.
  5. https://www.brentfordfc.com/news/2022/february/match-preview-brentford-vs-newcastle-united/
  6. “Putin should know that France also has nuclear weapons."
  7. Kuwait now responding. https://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=3027315
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