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Everything posted by ohhh_yeah

  1. "Sandra Birchmore originally came to them for mentoring and was pregnant with what she said was one officer’s child when she died" https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/09/22/metro/three-stoughton-police-officers-had-inappropriate-relationships-with-young-woman-who-came-them-mentoring-town-report-finds/
  2. Possible military coup in China with Xi Jinping under arrest.
  3. When his hopes of a football career faded, Hellah Sidibe started running every day. He's still going five-and-a-half years later https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/09/22/sport/hellah-sidibe-streak-running-spt-intl-cmd/index.html
  4. "You will be amazed mate, and you'll look like a mug when I drag this thread up, when all of the Scotswood parafins are welcoming him outside SJP." " " "If you were in my shoes after watching various wanks rubbish the story, how would you feel when Baines puts pen to paper in 2 weeks time?"
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