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Everything posted by ohhh_yeah

  1. Russell Slade introduced in Cardiff. Vincent Tan takes another swipe.
  2. The property that six or seven car parks are built on in a major city.
  3. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/oct/02/wonga-writes-off-customer-debt
  4. Have you lot seen the new logo across the pond for the MLS? 20 years in and they are still championing wretched artistic talent.
  5. Bizarre comment. 'Sometimes, when youre at a club for a long time, and Im the second longest serving manager in the Premier League now, it becomes a little more difficult, especially at a club of this size. People ask, why havent you won a trophy, but we havent won a trophy at this club since 1969.'
  6. I see he managed seventy-four words in response to Simon Bird's questions about NUFC at the recent SD AGM. 'Beneficial' and 'only answer' was repeated quite a bit.
  7. The transfer of 51 staff in Rangers Retails Ibrox Megastore, and both stores at Glasgow Airport and Ann Street in Belfast to Sports Direct is a logical step in the operation of the retail business and will be covered under TUPE regulations." All other retail functions including our online store and warehousing are currently operated by Sports Direct. Outsourcing the retail element of a football clubs operation is a common practice within the industry and is a positive move.
  8. Ashley could of raked it in if he scuppered the deal FC Zenit just pulled off and with only a minimal outlay. I would of purchased a #87 kit and I would not be the only one. http://www.en.fc-zenit.ru/main/news/ct3/58820.html
  9. Hope our fat cunt does not hear about the plans for one team this season to scrap supporters bringing DIY banners into the ground and instead offering to digitize the banners and put them on the LED display. Sanitized support is not the way to go even though he will just envision £s.
  10. Also seems that I can not have quotation marks in my post. They just disappear completely as soon as I push the add reply button. edit: Links are also not showing up.
  11. Sergeant Easton McDonald, who works for the Loudoun County Sheriffs Office in Virginia, was at home getting ready for work at roughly 3.30am on Tuesday when he heard the garage alarm sounding. As he approached the interior of the garage he heard bangs and sounds coming from within, so grabbed a gun. He opened the door and saw the dark figure of a person walking towards him and fired his weapon at her torso. The homeowner determined that he had just shot his 16-year-old daughter who was attempting the sneak back into the residence after sneaking out earlier that morning without the parents knowledge, a statement from the Frederick County Sheriffs Office said.
  12. Have I clicked on a button I should not have done? On my kindle I have been having difficulties. On the reply screen I now only get the box to type in and the add reply or preview post button. I no longer can see for instance the buttons for quoting, size, color, links, smileys, etc. When I do type out my post and try to post it sections of my posts disappears completely. For instance if I quote a poster and then add text underneath it as soon as I push post everything except the quote does not show. When I go back to modify post I can re-type my post or YouTube link and press save and bam gone again. Any clues on how I go back to the standard way of posting.
  13. ohhh_yeah


    A certain somebody should send in one of their selfies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HAFPjKdS3k .
  14. @TheBig_Sam Here is my forecast for the final Premier League table of the upcoming 2014/15 Premier League season. 1. Man City Top dogs. If this was a dog show theyd be those big fluffy bastards, with shaved hoops, hulking shoulders and lean midriffs. A beast of both elegance and steel. Theyll still flop like big titties in Europe, though. 2. Chelsea Mourinho looked bored for much of last season. He had the permanent expression of an impotent man who still gets smug over how big his plonker is. Hes done. 3. Liverpool Suarez may be gone, but Raheem Sterling looks to be on the verge of superstardom. He also looks like a baby reindeer. An urban one. I can say urban, cant I? Cant say anything anymore. Dont get me bloody started on the MOBOs. 4. Arsenal I like Sanchez. Im convinced hed make a really convincing mildly-attractive woman that gets overrated because of her Latino charm. Thats better than most men can muster. Wengers lot are still soft as shite, though. 5. Manchester United Van Gaal will certainly do a better job than Moysie, but thats not really saying much. Iggle Piggle in the centre of the dressing room, standing perfectly still, blank-eyed and swinging a f*cking paddle ball would have inspired that squad more than Davey-Boy did. 6. Spurs I really like Pochettinos little face. He looks like the funky dad at school, who wears Converse and listens to 6 Music. Needs a striker, though. Adebayor is an actual slag. 7. Everton Barkley signing a new contract was a massive boost for Roberto and co. Ive heard he spends at least 19 hours a day with his mouth open, but you cant deny that boy has stars in his shoes. 8. Newcastle Were really getting to the ah, who gives a shit stage of the table now arent we? Some black lad will get goal of the month and ensure Pardew (below) survives another season. As an aside, Henry Winter told me that Mike Ashley can and does milk his own breasts. Dont know why hed lie. 9. Stoke I thought they might go down last season, but Mark Hughes proved me wrong, and not for the first time either. I once started a house fire in frustration because he wouldnt believe me that Mike and the Mechanics died on 9/11. He kept calm and took me to one of their gigs in Tamworth. Over My Shoulder was just magnificent that night. 10. Hull Brucey has done well at Hull. He knows how to motivate his players. He has this thing called a Brucey Bonus that he delivers in the dressing room straight after a win. Nobody knows what they are, but theyre in there for up to two hours after the game has finished. You can see candlelight if you peek under the door, and theres a faint whiff of incense. You cant hear a sound, though. Im bloody intrigued, truth be told. 11. West Ham This is a tough one. Im a dreamer. A dream bloody weaver. I look to the stars before the start of every season, but this season is going to be tough. Im cornered. The owners are holding the Sword of Damocles over my head. Actually, knowing them its probably a big, wobbly dildo. Still f*cking perilous, though. 12. Crystal Palace Tony Pulis has one baseball cap that no-one is allowed to touch. He wont say what its made of, but he goes f*cking mental if you ever look at it. I genuinely think its human skin. Hes made Palace a really tricky side to play. 13. Sunderland I love listening to Gus Poyet speak. Hes like that guy from the Fast Show. Remember him? The Spanish-speaking guy. Ethethethethetheth, ethehethethetheth, ethethetheth, Chris Waddle! Bloody sublime. Just pure, simple gags week after week. Top notch. 14. Southampton Theyve been pillaged this summer like a sleepy village replete with gold and fine, virginal wenches, but theyll still do alright. Can you be a virginal wench? A wench is a slag, isnt it? The complexities of the English language still leaves me in awe. Rich and enchanting. 15. QPR Its lovely to see Harry back in the big time. Back where he belongs. Bringing Rio with him too. Thats nice. Like a nice old couple whove gone, hand in hand, to stare out at the ocean one last time. Before they die. 16. Swansea Garry Monk looks like a pub landlord with a murky past. Demons. Hell pull you a cracking pint of mild, but his eyes are somewhere else. Darting. Searching. Checking. Someones after him. But who? And more importantly why? 17. Aston Villa I once went into an Argos in High Wycombe and 25 minutes later came out with a Soda Stream, a BaByliss keratin hair straightener and a chocolate lolly maker, and it was still a more successful bout of business than Aston Villa have managed this summer. Bellends. 18. West Brom Here we are. The last three plops in the potty. Alan Irvine is a very risky appointment. He looks like a friendly but increasingly marginalised local DIY store owner, who watches helplessly as chain stores destroy his very way of life. Theyre gone. 19. Leicester The Foxes did well last season, but theyre in with the big boys now. Last season they were feasting on little rabbits and the odd door mouse. Now theyre up against UKIP members on massive f*cking horses, with hordes of shroomed-up beagles baying for their blood. These omnivorous mammals belonging to several genera of the Canidae family are gonna get got. 20. Burnley Hardly surprising, but Im picking Burnley to prop up the entire table. They can go back to doing what they do best. Whatever that is. F*cking witchcraft probably. A very odd place. I once went shopping in Burnley while I was at Blackburn, and I met a man who looked just like me, but with a hump and a glass eye. The spitting image he was. Apart from the defects. It really upset me.
  15. Going by his own quotes, build a new training pitch.
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