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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. Details? 18719[/snapback] Click the link
  2. Shit you mean he won the battle of britain as well
  3. Just let me known if you want to REALLY upset them and I'll stoke the boiler on a Troll Train filled with "soccer sucks" yanks that I know.
  4. I tend to agree with this statement to a point. I REALLY don't think he'll come on a permanent deal BUT by agreeing to Real's valuation that has "set the bar" for a Liverpool bid. Question is would Real accept anything less from Liverpool just to help poor Michael - I doubt it. The price might just persuade them to duck out so we MAY get him on loan. AND if he does come for a year who knows how he might feel after that if he has a good season. I'm also hoping Real get Liverpool in a CL group, that might sway them a bit as well.
  5. I put it down to the fact he's a bloody good player WHEN playing fit AND with the correct formation i.e. NOT with God
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