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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. It was a christmas gift to the lads on there It was just lots of pics of 5 or 6 pretty girlies in their christmas attire having fun 147813[/snapback] That's not what Renton says! 147817[/snapback] Depends on how the girls were getting their fun. 147830[/snapback] PM please, for analysis purposes only obviously
  2. You can get arrested for shooting sea gulls too - and they're dangerous! 147717[/snapback] What, guns or seagulls? 147755[/snapback] Both, but guns don't normally attack you completely unprovoked by themselves! 147758[/snapback] Closet NRA member tbh
  3. I have the exact opposite view to you Hit inside of post, went backwards = goal IMO
  4. agreed, regrettably. But England usually get off their arses when their backs are against the wall against the big guns. erm. they're not aal pooftas man. 147449[/snapback] Yes I wanted to mention this, it's weird how ENgland do have a tendency to be dragged to the level of their opponents. Upwards or Downwards. example the game v the Argies in Geneva. 147453[/snapback] The problem I have with that game is that until the Argies made all their substitutions they were well in control. Yeah England won, but only against the B team for the last 15/20 minutes.
  5. On the evidence of today either of these two would cream Ingerlund
  6. That's not a joke, it's a sketch, surely Spike was a GOD of funny-ness though
  7. They could win that group, I reckon they'll give The Hun a few problems
  8. Toonpack


    They should remake "The Battle of Britain" and "633 Squadron" for a start. The originals are obviously flawed as they don't show America winning the war single handedly, which everyoine knows is what happened. P.S. With the World Cup being on it is OK to mention the war isn't it ????
  9. To ensure a warm welcome from our German cousins what should one wear??? Any suggestions?? I quite like these T's as an icebreaker:
  10. Personally the Government should make a statement that the remains of anyone killed in carrying out, or attempting to carry out, a terrorist act will NOT be returned to their families but will be buried with/in a pigs carcass. That’ll put the 100 virgins off a bit
  11. Why doesn't Israel use their nukes Alex.....whereas other countries in that area will when they get them ? Simple question, I hope you can find a book with the answer As GF says....we are still waiting for you clever guys to come up with a solution, because you don't REALLY think they will negotiate without major concessions...leading to more demands for more concessions... 145071[/snapback] Daft hypothetical question. But I'll answer if you can tell me how you know they'll do that then? Given the other countries you mention would be effectively ensuring their own destruction if they did so. 145072[/snapback] My concern with the whole issue is that, those countries political leadership will think that by destorying Israel and or nuking the west, Allah will take them to heaven. Earthly things like living and breathing and mutually assured destruction are not in the equation. Worryingly, an American friend of mine said, in response to a point I made about the USA using nukes, in an email conversation with me "GWB and this administration doesn't care, they believe Jesus will come and save them" Same problem different fundamentalism
  12. IF we have money to spend I'm sure there's work going on now, but it's always the same, you sign tha player as late as possible to avoid the wages over the summer. Nothing really new in this IMO
  13. That lass has the biggest pussy I've ever seen !!!!!!
  14. Doesn't matter. The force is moving the plane, not the wheels. 135628[/snapback] The force is transmitted through the wheels where there is an equally sized opposite force from the treadmill. hence no motion. To use your bloke on rollerskates analogy. They are at steady state (rollerskates going matching treadmill speed hence no motion). Then you give him a push and extra momentum hence the speed of his wheels increases. The question stated that this increase would be matched by an increase in treadmill speed hence no forward motion. 135632[/snapback] So you're saying I couldn't extend my arms and move the skater forward? what force is stopping me like? 135634[/snapback] The speed of the skaters wheels is always matched by the speed of the treadmill. Any force you apply to him, the treadmill immediately counteracts. so if you got in a car tied a rope around him and drove off he still wouldnt move (assuming no mechanical failures and the only way for him to move is via his wheels as is the case in a plane on a runway) as while his wheels are going crazy fast, the treadmill is going crazy fast in the other direction. Heres an Ocelow for the rest of you, dont think this is quite the same tigon and liger mind... 135639[/snapback] I think that's a moot point
  15. Doesn't matter. The force is moving the plane, not the wheels. 135628[/snapback] So therefore WHAT is moving the wheels ???????? When I'm off on holibobs next week I'm gonna be pretty upset if the plane moves but leaves it's wheels behind !!!!!! 135631[/snapback] Friction causes the wheels to spin. If the wheels were locked in place and you put the engines on full, the plane would scrape along the ground without spinning the wheels. 135633[/snapback] No it wouldn't the plane would fall off the back of the treadmill or rip itself from it's undercarraige, equally upsetting for passengers IMO
  16. Doesn't matter. The force is moving the plane, not the wheels. 135628[/snapback] So therefore WHAT is moving the wheels ???????? When I'm off on holibobs next week I'm gonna be pretty upset if the plane moves but leaves it's wheels behind !!!!!!
  17. AMEN !!! BTW here's a Jaglion Look at the freckles bet the poor feckers ginger as well
  18. The plane will take off. If you were on rollerskates on a treadmill that matched the wheel speed, and someone gave you a push, you'd move! The wheel's would just spin faster. The engines will move the plane, it won't just levitate, but will accelerate to take off speed. 133685[/snapback] SOOOO wrongamundo The engines provide forward motion which is transmitted as the the turn of the wheels (as does the push on the rollerblader), the turn of the wheels is matched by the conveyorbelt, hence no forward motion = no air flow over wings = no lift = no take-off F=ma Behold the Wolphin Wonder if it squeaks at the moon I reckon that guy is getting WAY to friendly with the Liger Big fecker or what !!!!
  19. Difficult to say really, he didn't pose a thread to us and no one has found a credible link between 9/11 and him and no one has found any weapons of mass destruction. Given that, should we go to war with any regime that kills it's own people and doesn't allow democracy or decent human rights, i.e. in China, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Sierra Leone, etc., etc. Or should we just tackle the ones with no army left and huge oil reserves like Iraq? For someone who is fond of callling others who disagree with him naive that's an incredibly simplistic view. Also, apart from leaving behind a horrible mess for the Iraqis, from a selfish, western viewpoint the power vacuum we would leave behind would create a country in which terror camps, Al-Qaeda, Muslim extremism etc. would thrive. That would make our own lives more dangerous and the risk of terrorism far greater. You were one of the people who wanted to wade into this war while people like me opposed it and now things have gotten tough you just want to walk out. Unfortunately, much as I would like to see this war over, it just doesn't work like that. 135254[/snapback] Good post. One thing Saddam did not tolerate was terrorists. Now he's gone ironically we are at much greater risk from them. 135265[/snapback] Totally agree I think the one thing this debacle is proving is that only a tyranical psycho could keep a lid on Iraq
  20. How do I treat a corn then? 135237[/snapback] Stop wearing stilleto's for a while
  21. I wonder if they do it clockwise is the southern hemisphere hmmmm And it did look absolutely CLASS
  22. OK I will Oh wait a minute ...................... 134112[/snapback] you don't like my humour ? Whats wrong with my fucking humour like 134116[/snapback] Nothing wrong with your humour, I'm banned over there for being a SICK MORON 134313[/snapback] Well... Are you or aren't you ? 134551[/snapback] Habitually no, but when I want to be - YES
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