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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. I choose to base my reaction on my established dislike of the Pope, and condemn this statement as not only stupid but also unhelpful and dangerous. In fact the last thing we need. Before people go all Leazes on me I hate all organised religion equally, they are all the problem I might be biased, and in fact I am, but I actually do find islam a particularly reprehensible faith and dislike the socieities it has created immensely. The worst aspect of it is the fact that you cannot crticise it without having a fatwa put on you, but I find it wrong on so many levels. It basically belongs in the dark ages, if there even. Other faiths have their problems but none have led to so many problems as islam imo. All as bad as each other. All as wrong as each other All evil I agree with SB there. I think you are on very dangerous ground once you start saying one is worse than the other. I also think it's inaccurate as Christianity has a very bloody past and you could make a very strong argument that even today you have the example of the very worrying influence the religious right in America has over that countries foreign policy. Thats a very good point alex. The religious right in america is arguably behind the very bloody and violent US foreign policy. Personally I think it's more than "arguably". I'm on a fair number of US forums and there are an awfull lot of them around, some of them are down-right scary, and of the really scary one's, to a man they are GWB devotee's
  2. Last season, I was team mates with a lad that used to play for West Allotment Celtic. He was dynamite. Explosive pace or muslim ???????????
  3. you don't see it do you ? You can't accept the need for one or two short term stop gap players in the real world. You're so thick, you expect the board to find 50m quid every summer, buy half a team every year....yet you think they are shite ........ Lost irony or what. Priceless. thick? that's rich coming from the man who defends the chairman's actions this summer. SHEPHERD OUT As I've said before, blokes like you will moan on like fuckwit manu fans do, regardless of what the club do. I never thought I would see the day NUFC fans whinged on like manu fans. Which is a sign of raised expectations - but you are too thick to see it or understand it. You are also too thick to understand that if you think in the real world our board is shit, then you wouldn't know one if they slapped you in the face with a wet fish. You could - maybe - slightly raise my opinion of your attitudes if you commented like an adult on what you seriously think the club were able to do this summer, how much money you think they had, and how they should have alternatively spent it, instead of forever bleating on about how you - hugely ironcally and stupidly - expect a shite board to spend a shitload of money every summer that isn't there. you're starting to get really fucking boring now. we've had this debate about a thousand times before and i'm far too busy at work today to get into another one. at the end of the day day leazes, you are in a minority of one on this board when it comes to your unwavering defence of shepherd. are we all thick fuckwit man u clones on this board? or has your argument died on its arse and you are too proud or stupid to admit you were wrong? SHEPHERD OUT Shame, but I think you are boring. I also don't give a shit if I am in a minority of one on this board, because I think I am right. Since when does not agreeing with a few dozen or so people on a message board make you wrong Now THAT conclusion of yours, shows EXACTLY how thick and naive you are. I would suggest that if you have an adopted postion and find that many people you discuss it with (by whatever means) state that you're wrong. Does that not tend to make you feel that you are in error somewhere along the line and lead you to adjust said position.??????????
  4. you don't see it do you ? You can't accept the need for one or two short term stop gap players in the real world. You're so thick, you expect the board to find 50m quid every summer, buy half a team every year....yet you think they are shite ........ Lost irony or what. Priceless. thick? that's rich coming from the man who defends the chairman's actions this summer. SHEPHERD OUT As I've said before, blokes like you will moan on like fuckwit manu fans do, regardless of what the club do. I never thought I would see the day NUFC fans whinged on like manu fans. Which is a sign of raised expectations - but you are too thick to see it or understand it. You are also too thick to understand that if you think in the real world our board is shit, then you wouldn't know one if they slapped you in the face with a wet fish. You could - maybe - slightly raise my opinion of your attitudes if you commented like an adult on what you seriously think the club were able to do this summer, how much money you think they had, and how they should have alternatively spent it, instead of forever bleating on about how you - hugely ironcally and stupidly - expect a shite board to spend a shitload of money every summer that isn't there. you're starting to get really fucking boring now. we've had this debate about a thousand times before and i'm far too busy at work today to get into another one. at the end of the day day leazes, you are in a minority of one on this board when it comes to your unwavering defence of shepherd. are we all thick fuckwit man u clones on this board? or has your argument died on its arse and you are too proud or stupid to admit you were wrong? SHEPHERD OUT AH!! but 30 years ago...........................................................
  5. you don't see it do you ? You can't accept the need for one or two short term stop gap players in the real world. You're so thick, you expect the board to find 50m quid every summer, buy half a team every year....yet you think they are shite ........ Lost irony or what. Priceless. thick? that's rich coming from the man who defends the chairman's actions this summer. SHEPHERD OUT As I've said before, blokes like you will moan on like fuckwit manu fans do, regardless of what the club do. I never thought I would see the day NUFC fans whinged on like manu fans. Which is a sign of raised expectations - but you are too thick to see it or understand it. You are also too thick to understand that if you think in the real world our board is shit, then you wouldn't know one if they slapped you in the face with a wet fish. You could - maybe - slightly raise my opinion of your attitudes if you commented like an adult on what you seriously think the club were able to do this summer, how much money you think they had, and how they should have alternatively spent it, instead of forever bleating on about how you - hugely ironcally and stupidly - expect a shite board to spend a shitload of money every summer that isn't there. I've (along with MANY others) stated the argument way too many times, and you don't come up with ANY from of cogent rebutal, it's now a "yes they are, no they're not" argument and as such is a waste of time. 30 years ago or today, little difference in prospects or chances squandered, BECAUSE of miss-management. 30 years ago there never was the opportunity for the board to waste millions, today the fact that the current incumbents have, is criminal (which may soon prove to be more than metaphoric given current news stories)
  6. Hmmmm IF it was true and we had "little Englander (Geordielander??)" mentality running rampant, why would they have spent another 10 mill on another foreigner ?????????????
  7. Toon Fan therefore injured and cursed by association
  8. The day Man U beat us 2-6 we were a part of a top 3 that also included Arsenal. No Liverpool or Chelsea in there. From that day to this our journey has been in one direction - backwards. PS. How has Naismith progressed since. Arsenal want to sign him. Scottish young player of the year last season. We don't do prospects, we prefer very expensive gambles, just so the fans can dance in the streets
  9. I remain to be convinced our entire squad posesses anyone worthy of that description, let alone the bench
  10. Aye, it's hard to say anything other that Roedent's made a fucking mockery of our transfers this summer. His comments on Milner today are also spectacular in their stupidity. Apparently Bullard's dislocated his knee, my first reaction on seeing it on the replay was that he'd never play again. It was one of those where my brain didn't really register it properly as his leg was so out of shape, it looked to me like he must have snapped every ligament in his knee. I half wanted to see it again to try and figure out what I'd seen, I half wanted to go and have a little cry for myself. Can't believe they showed the replay. 196017[/snapback] This is on Shepherd NOT Roeder. You can't buy what you can't afford
  11. Erm Leazes: I’m sorry but where in any of my posts on this subject did I express the belief that we are one of the top 2 clubs in the country??? If you read my other posts I did raise the opinion that we should be competing with Arsenal and Liverpool, (clubs 3 and 4 in the country). We cannot compete with Chelski and Man U for obvious financial reasons. I believe this because of the financial muscle that we do have at our disposal, if used wisely is at least equivalent to clubs 3 and 4. As for your pathetic 1992 jibe, for your information I saw my first “live” game in 1967 (the first one I really remember was 1969 - Liverpool at home 1-1 btw) and have ridden the roller-coaster ever since. Absolutely not, this article does not necessarily involve us, BUT with our bad headline-grabbing track record I do fear the worst. Frankly I couldn’t care less if our board consisted of Atilla the Hun with Adolf Hitler as shower attendant (away team dressing room only obviously). All I want to see is a sign of progress and NOT the squandering of the platform that was created by the Shepherd/Hall/Keegan “golden” years. I want a manager given time (not a series of bollocks dropped), I want a scouting network, I want players coming through, I want us to sign young prospects and I want us NOT in the headlines except on the back pages. You miss my point COMPLETELY, yes things are better now than under Seymour McKeag etc or best ever for that matter. BUT from the position we are in NOW the signs are we are regressing NOT progressing and THAT is the issue, and THAT is down to the strategic leadership of the club. Erm yes If I’ve understood you correctly, not so sure it’s by expertise but by prudence and PLANNING and CONSISTENCY. Sheee-it This sensible posting is a pain in the arse, much more tiresome than just pissing about !!!!!! As for the wanker comment, I work away from home most of the time, what's a bloke to do ?????
  12. Totally agree, tbh even an imbecile could make money with the NUFC “brand” and they always could (a’la McKeag, Seymour et al). The old saying goes “you’d get 20,000 Geordies in to watch the grass grow at St James” If anything it is easier to make even greater sums these days than it was 30 years ago, the fact we can generate cash is not a measure of how good (or not) the current directors are. The simple fact is that, given the cash that we do generate, we should be performing better - at all levels from a first class scouting network through to the first team (a strategy anyone ???). The only difference between now and 30 years ago is that, because of the nature of the game these days, we now generate SO MUCH dosh, that there’s plenty for the directors/shareholders to get fat(ter) on. But there’s also plenty left over. It is the incompetence with which the “left over” is utilised which is the problem, and THAT is down to “the management” (and I don’t mean Souness). We should have a plan for the growth of the business, we should not be chopping and changing managers every 5 minutes, we should not be writing off vast sums on crap transfers (with monotonous regularity) and we most certainly shouldn’t be skint. 194390[/snapback] If it is easier to generate cash, please explain why the mackems aren't doing it, or Wolves, or Sheffied Wed to name 3 ? The fact - and always has been the simple fact - is that the field is level for everybody in all or any era , how much advantage you take of it to ourperform your rivals at any particular time, is on merit. 194823[/snapback] I never said it was easy to generate cash for everyone, what I said was: Any comparison to the poor performers is irrelevant and missleading, our current "extra richness" is to do with riding the Keegan wave for a few years and the position that put us in. Not to mention 52,000 every week. Level playing field my arse, we were in a GREAT position but that position is now being badly squandered. Despite the irrelevance IMO of the point you make, IF David Kelly had never scored that goal and we'd gone down and IF we were "doing a Sheff Wed" we would still by comparison be much better off than them because of the unique nature of this club. There is no kudos due to "powers that be" because we can say "thank fuck we're not Sunderland, Wolves or Sheff Wed". Because we are rightly asking "why aren't we Liverpool or Arsenal" in terms of both on-field performance AND club image/professionalism.
  13. Totally agree, tbh even an imbecile could make money with the NUFC “brand” and they always could (a’la McKeag, Seymour et al). The old saying goes “you’d get 20,000 Geordies in to watch the grass grow at St James” If anything it is easier to make even greater sums these days than it was 30 years ago, the fact we can generate cash is not a measure of how good (or not) the current directors are. The simple fact is that, given the cash that we do generate, we should be performing better - at all levels from a first class scouting network through to the first team (a strategy anyone ???). The only difference between now and 30 years ago is that, because of the nature of the game these days, we now generate SO MUCH dosh, that there’s plenty for the directors/shareholders to get fat(ter) on. But there’s also plenty left over. It is the incompetence with which the “left over” is utilised which is the problem, and THAT is down to “the management” (and I don’t mean Souness). We should have a plan for the growth of the business, we should not be chopping and changing managers every 5 minutes, we should not be writing off vast sums on crap transfers (with monotonous regularity) and we most certainly shouldn’t be skint.
  14. and slices it just wide of the cat-flap 193171[/snapback]
  15. 'start a surname search' top right. Sometimes it seems to come up automatically, sometimes not. 192064[/snapback] Ta, I' tried that but it just keeps taking back to the front page. I'll keep trying.
  16. Can't see anywhere on that page to input the name ??????
  17. In other words, "Our fans are idiots. All I need to do is give them big money signings and they will be blind to everything else." I missed this yesterday, but that's how low his opinion is of the fans' intelligence. 191776[/snapback] He's totally deluded He is SO out of touch it is untrue. DUFF, MARTINS = £16 mill (£7.5 really) - not dancing, not even tapping my fucking foot. BRIDGE, CAMPBELL, HASSELBAINK, NUGENT, EASTWOOD, GRAVESEN = Might have inspired me to skip about a bit cost = circa £10/11 mill (less Boum, Faye dosh etc, could even STILL have had Duff as well ) How fucking difficult is that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. If it's not CrimsonFault I'll tear my own foreskin off and eat it (less painful than this thread, anyway). 191515[/snapback] Guess the foreskin lives to fight another day then 191569[/snapback] Get the pan on (only a tiny one will be needed), I am reliably informed that "Freddy" was not in fact CF/t0m etc etc
  19. Shepherd has now reached new depths that I never thought even he could reach. Best quote I've ever heard. Shepherd Out 191278[/snapback] The only way the window is to blame is if he returned to his office after having nipped out for a snack and found he'd locked himself out couldn't get back in through the fucking window, fat cunt
  20. Spot on. As LM is always so keen to inform us, he's been going since Jesus was a nipper, but he more than anyone else talks utter shit about the mismanagement at the club. "It's not as bad as it used to be" when you're comparing it to a totally different brand of mismanagement is not an acceptable excuse to anyone but the dimwitted. 191257[/snapback] Incompetence is still incompetence irrespective of era, and fuck me are we incompetent. I would go so far as to say it is worse now than ever, and I've been going since Jesus was still swimming around in Gabriel's balls
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