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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. Cracking article by Henry Winter Shepherd OUT
  2. I agree, I thought the balance was so much better when they were together and we actually played some really good stuff.
  3. I was thinking about being a project manager. I was born for it. How did you get into it? it's all about the suit and brolly tbh ............ Working with the Oil industry just now, no suits, casual wear is mandatory, it's fucking brill Best bit is waiting in the said big oil company reception for a meetiing and some suits'll come in having flown in to try and sell them something, the Oil Co guy will come and collect them and he looks like he's just got off a skateboard As for how I got into it, totally by accident, was working on a secondment for a business re-organisation and someone gave me a project to look after (I was in middle management stuff before that) and then another etc etc
  4. Senior Project Manager - MONSTER implementation next week (on my silver wedding anniversary !!!!!) Bricking it tbh
  5. Toonpack


    They had that rule at some of the accountancy firms in America - KPMG for example. No sick entitlement at all, so you had to use your holidays if you were ill!? Thankfully PwC weren't that stupid. From what my pals over the pond say, they get a vacation allowance and so many sick days on top, which thay can use anytime. If however they go over the sick days allowance then it's no pay. At least I can work from home, like today (I'm not sick BTW just working from home)
  6. Toonpack


    No work = no pay Sickie not an option, unless I'm REALLY REALLY sick
  7. Metaphorically Leazes Mag = the shopkeeper Freddy Shepherd = the Norwegian Blue
  8. 30 years ago we'd have been named as two of them Portsmouth, Southampton, Bolt on, West Bromwich Albion, Birmingham, Newcastle, Middlesbrough and Liverpool
  9. It's nearly all in jest So who is our omnipresent accountant over there then ???
  10. I am totally overwhelmed by your omnipotence or was it impotence hmmmmmm
  11. That fact worries me, as it means I actually have something in common with him What's your name on there then? It might have been you that was getting the bollocking. Same name as always on this side of the pond. If someone was getting bollocked it was VERY likely CF, his arse must be red raw
  12. That fact worries me, as it means I actually have something in common with him
  13. because he's whinging like a spanked baby on another board
  14. Rascist bastards I reckon, just doing it to alienate the local "ethnics". They'll be flying a British flag next
  15. 30 years ago we were getting beaten 7-2, we only lost 2-0 proves yet again our current Chairman is a god
  16. The thing Shola deserves more than anything is his operation and chance to get properly fit
  17. Agree, there's one on the A90 on the way to Aberdeen been shut down for that very reason. Personally I think 30 limits should be plastered with the things but on open road a bit of common sense wouldn't go amiss
  18. That is utter tosh. IF the majority of cameras were in sensible places I might agree, but they are in the main placed in stretches of road where someone speeding a bit is of little consequence.
  19. Toonpack

    best dj

    Clem Atis was canny an all
  20. Toonpack

    best dj

    Not in the same class as Chris Anthemum
  21. True, but it doesn't make him a proper chairman as we should know
  22. Toonpack

    best dj

    RIP Was hilarious watching him try to get served in a bar when he was in his early twenties, he looked about 6
  23. Although he really needs to stop dying his hair and just accept the fact that he's grey. He looks like that Jasper Carrot character, Wiggy. The bold bit just shows he's not a proper chairman, unlike our beloved "better than Ellis" Superman
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