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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. When the megastore was a hut over the road from the Farmers
  2. Ahhh them were the days, sit in the Irish club til 2:55 and then think "can I be arsed to go?" and not feel guilty if you didnt. Exactamundo, On more than one occassion we've stood in the queue at the trunstiles and tossed a coin, heads - match, tails - pub. The joys and flexibilty of pay on the gate
  3. Ah!! the good old days, that's what it was like pre-Keegan, and to be honest, in a way it's a lot less stressfull being shit
  4. Actually Shearer slipped through Newcastle's fingers as did many other young lads for whatever reasons. Some that come to mind. Carrick..............West Ham. Charlton J...........Leeds. Charlton R..........Man. Utd. Coates R............Burnly. Robson R............Fulham. Robson B............West Brom? Beardsley............Aye, even Pedro went somewhere else. You could add a certain S Bruce to that list too. Oh, and Kennedy too..........the one who was at Arse n'all, not the one who went to Liverpool. One and the same, Ray Kennedy (from Seaton Delaval) went from Arsenal to Liverpool. Unless you meant Alan Kennedy at Liverpool, who we actually sold to them so he hardfy slipped through our fingers either. Kennedy and Natrass one of the best full-back pairings we've had, spoilt by Glenn Keeley in the middle tho Ye Younguns know nowt
  5. Agreed A thing of true beauty, I actually had tears in my eyes
  6. Probably one of Shepjerds grand kids/nephew/neice on a job experience "secondment" from first school at £10,000 a week
  7. I'd take Gordon, Pressley, Berra and Hartley I think Pressley would struggle in the Premiership due to a lack of pace. Just my opinion. Plus he can't have too long left. He'd be a short term fix. Although in fairness after tonight, a short term fix isn't a bad idea. I didn't even think of Paul Hartley actually. He might be worth a shout. Pressley wouldn't be a long term option BUT he's a leader/organiser and is better than Moore by miles IMO
  8. All these people must be post-Keegan fans as well, obviously everyone but you is missguided Reaction to Henry Winter article which was strangely at odds with Leazes' view of the world
  9. Scottish mag, Hearts are debt free as Romanov settled club debts when he became majority shareholder, He also owns Kaunas aswell as Hearts so the money woukd end up at Hearts as they are his priority club. The players are signed to Kaunas and loaned to Hearts for British tax dodging reasons.
  10. Follow Hearts very strongly and go up and see them alot. Hearts are not ****ed aslong as Vlad is in charge, just the other SPl teams like to believe that!. Ok after todays statement Gordon, Pressley and Hartley may never wear a Hearts shirt again but Vlad is clever and will bring cover from overseas. Like somebody says 3 years ago we would have been mid table now we have overtaken Rangers. long may it continue and if a minority of the players aernt happy then let them go elsewhere and let the jambos concentrate on winning the league!.
  11. Cracking article by Henry Winter Shepherd OUT
  12. I agree, I thought the balance was so much better when they were together and we actually played some really good stuff.
  13. I was thinking about being a project manager. I was born for it. How did you get into it? it's all about the suit and brolly tbh ............ Working with the Oil industry just now, no suits, casual wear is mandatory, it's fucking brill Best bit is waiting in the said big oil company reception for a meetiing and some suits'll come in having flown in to try and sell them something, the Oil Co guy will come and collect them and he looks like he's just got off a skateboard As for how I got into it, totally by accident, was working on a secondment for a business re-organisation and someone gave me a project to look after (I was in middle management stuff before that) and then another etc etc
  14. Senior Project Manager - MONSTER implementation next week (on my silver wedding anniversary !!!!!) Bricking it tbh
  15. Toonpack


    They had that rule at some of the accountancy firms in America - KPMG for example. No sick entitlement at all, so you had to use your holidays if you were ill!? Thankfully PwC weren't that stupid. From what my pals over the pond say, they get a vacation allowance and so many sick days on top, which thay can use anytime. If however they go over the sick days allowance then it's no pay. At least I can work from home, like today (I'm not sick BTW just working from home)
  16. Toonpack


    No work = no pay Sickie not an option, unless I'm REALLY REALLY sick
  17. Metaphorically Leazes Mag = the shopkeeper Freddy Shepherd = the Norwegian Blue
  18. 30 years ago we'd have been named as two of them Portsmouth, Southampton, Bolt on, West Bromwich Albion, Birmingham, Newcastle, Middlesbrough and Liverpool
  19. It's nearly all in jest So who is our omnipresent accountant over there then ???
  20. I am totally overwhelmed by your omnipotence or was it impotence hmmmmmm
  21. That fact worries me, as it means I actually have something in common with him What's your name on there then? It might have been you that was getting the bollocking. Same name as always on this side of the pond. If someone was getting bollocked it was VERY likely CF, his arse must be red raw
  22. That fact worries me, as it means I actually have something in common with him
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