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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. I would like a verdict brought into UK of 'Irrefutably Guilty'. With modern forensics, such decisions can be made. Brady. Hindley (sp). Huntley. There are three names that I would have had their owners wiped out, without hesitation. I think such a verdict would be very hard to make. There's always the possibility of contamination of evidence or the police framing you, for instance. Aw come on. Forensic techniques these days are a huge leap forward from "Slipper of the Yard" and fit-ups are incredibly rare. I know lots of Polis and they HATE going to court and giving evidence because they get treat like shit. They've also said because of the nightmare that it is in court, that in cases that do get to trial it's 99.9% certain the defendant is guilty as fuck, and they wouldn't take the shit unless that was the case.
  2. I would like a verdict brought into UK of 'Irrefutably Guilty'. With modern forensics, such decisions can be made. Brady. Hindley (sp). Huntley. There are three names that I would have had their owners wiped out, without hesitation. That couldn't happen, because I would reckon, if someone was found plain old guilty, their lawyers would suggest that as it wasn't "irrefutable" there must be some doubt, cue lots of appeals
  3. Well, you have to be sure of his guilt and allow him his appeals. This is why it is a myth that capital punishment is a cheaper option than life imprisonment. And even then they get it wrong which is often found out pretty quickly posthumously. I'd like anyone to give me one good reason in support of capital punishment. Murder you're kidding right? so if I'm a yank and carrying a gun, I shoot someone in self defense, but a good lawyer cranks my case up to murder 1 I should fry? I don't think murders deserve death. but to be fair I don't think any country has a legal/penal system that's perfect You're called The Fish, it's your job And no I wasn't kidding, I believe we should reintroduce capital punishment for murder, I wasn't particluarly commenting of the USA (legal system is SOOO ropey) but here. I can't see any jsutification in keeping bastards like those recently convicted of pouring petrol through someone's letter box and setting it on fire, alive. Just my opinion though.
  4. Well, you have to be sure of his guilt and allow him his appeals. This is why it is a myth that capital punishment is a cheaper option than life imprisonment. And even then they get it wrong which is often found out pretty quickly posthumously. I'd like anyone to give me one good reason in support of capital punishment. Murder
  5. Custom bike builder, featured on Discovery Channel, American Chopper. The guy on the right
  6. ]Couple of American boards and Wikipedia stating he's deceased.
  7. not safe for work or if your mam's in the room What a bunch of tossers
  8. WAY too soon to be a hero, may well be in future mind
  9. Da Dum Dumed for completness
  10. BMW 523SE V reg now, had since new and I've put every one of the 124,000 miles on it, only on second set of tires and just replaced the brake pads and discs, not bad I reckon. I fucking LOVE my car, still like shit off a stick when I want it to be Mrs has a Black RAV 4 VVTi or whatever, 5 door with all the fucking body kit, drug dealer windows, PS2 etc in the back, don't know why because basically it's the dogs' beach bus FFS
  11. G ??? Is taking the piss a recognised sport now
  12. So now your sister's getting a second hand 3 phone! You really don't like her very much do you?! aw behave Bianca Of course i like her! shes more like a mum to me than a sis, being 14 years older than me. she looked after me when our mum died. The phone wont be secondhand....but i have to make sure it works ok for her....else i'll have to change it. 14 years older than you?! That's pensionable age, isn't it?? not quite!!!! 14 years older than me is aw poor you But on the otherhand......YES!!! someone older then me on here I don't piss my pants yet either
  13. So now your sister's getting a second hand 3 phone! You really don't like her very much do you?! aw behave Bianca Of course i like her! shes more like a mum to me than a sis, being 14 years older than me. she looked after me when our mum died. The phone wont be secondhand....but i have to make sure it works ok for her....else i'll have to change it. 14 years older than you?! That's pensionable age, isn't it?? not quite!!!! 14 years older than me is
  14. They sponsor the Aussie Cricket team, so the network probably only works during Alice Springs daylight hours. The ringtones are shite as well, they all sound like some bloke blowing down a log, unless you pay for the Rolf Upgrade then you get a choice of wobbly cardboard sounds or you can choose a different stylophone I'll fuck off now
  15. 2005 Strawberry Blonde 2006 Whispering Peach 2007 ?????????????????
  16. My mam used to read her books when me and my sister were little. She used to be fucking terrified! The terror was because of you, not the books
  17. Agree but I'd like to see the same back four as the weekend working together again, even better workout if there's kids in front and they're under the cosh.
  18. Hair straighteners? Possibly. and superglue for gel
  19. Agreed but that haircut made him look like he should be in a corner shop, or serving curry
  20. I think it also helps that Milners workrate is excellent, provides good balance on the right, unfortunately Carr's back in the squad for Sunday
  21. appeared to be operating as more of a unit since Pearson's arrival, despite the chopping and changing
  22. Oh dear, I guess you lot are too young to know the likes of Frank Swift, and our own Ronnie Simpson I'm going off what my Dad told me, who was born in 1945 btw, as much as anything. And the footage I've seen backs it up tbh. Even though the likes of us weren't there (though you'd be nearer to being there than me ) from any of the footage you see, you can tell the standard of goal keeping was alot lower in those days. Some of it is downright abysmal and looks like its a joke or needs the benny hill theme being played over it! Still, what would have a Banks, Yachin, Tilkowski, Trautmann ( ) etc. looked like in the game, if they had been born 20 years later? What would have a Maradona looked like if he had been born 20 years earlier? He'd have spent 50% of the game rolling around on the deck ahving REALLY been kicked not just pretendy kicked
  23. Yashin was class although I saw little of him as he was just "before my time" There were plenty decent keepers around, you never or rarely see the saves on old footage as it's always the goals that are seen. It's a bit like Robinsons "air-kick" the other week for England, watch a clip of that or Tim Flowers over the shoulder bounce disster or Shays putting the ball down inciodent and they're a crap keepers, but we know they weren't/aren't. Thats a fair point, but the incidence of poor goalkeeping on footage of olde world goals is still alarmingly high and much higher than you see nowadays. Plus as I say, they didnt even wear gloves-it's horrendous trying to stop a ball with your hands in a match without gloves Especially as those old balls were like stones when they were wet. Real men tbh. I'd liked to see Ronaldo (the diving one, not the fatty) kicking one of them. He probably would burst into tears (again). Don't know about the tears but he'd definitely fall over My first football had to be dubbin'ed several times before I could play with it, even then it sucked up water like a sponge, and boy did it hurt on a cold winter morning when someone cracked it into your thigh
  24. Yashin was class although I saw little of him as he was just "before my time" There were plenty decent keepers around, you never or rarely see the saves on old footage as it's always the goals that are seen. It's a bit like Robinsons "air-kick" the other week for England, watch a clip of that or Tim Flowers over the shoulder bounce disster or Shays putting the ball down inciodent and they're a crap keepers, but we know they weren't/aren't.
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