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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. Never cooked a cat tbh, too stringy and not much meat I reckon. Kitten skins'd make canny nice warm gloves mind
  2. You're completely losing me now I'm afraid. And I'm not a vegetarian, everyone knows being a vegetarian makes you constantly fart. Just imagine being a veggy cat owner, you'd stink of fart and piss, all of the time, WOW!! must be hard getting a job as anything but a bus-driver I'm a vegetarian and I don't fart very often. My flatmate eats meat and farts all the time. Sweeping generalisations tbh. Bet your sweat smells like burnt brussel sprouts though How do you cook your Brussels sprouts? In slightly salted water until they smell like a vegetarian, then I know they're well done So how do you manage to burn them? Never managed to burn them myself. I would surmise you hoy them in the pan and forget about them, water boils away and then sprout carnage ensue's Bit like chip fires I guess
  3. You're completely losing me now I'm afraid. And I'm not a vegetarian, everyone knows being a vegetarian makes you constantly fart. Just imagine being a veggy cat owner, you'd stink of fart and piss, all of the time, WOW!! must be hard getting a job as anything but a bus-driver I'm a vegetarian and I don't fart very often. My flatmate eats meat and farts all the time. Sweeping generalisations tbh. Bet your sweat smells like burnt brussel sprouts though How do you cook your Brussels sprouts? In slightly salted water until they smell like a vegetarian, then I know they're well done
  4. You're completely losing me now I'm afraid. And I'm not a vegetarian, everyone knows being a vegetarian makes you constantly fart. Just imagine being a veggy cat owner, you'd stink of fart and piss, all of the time, WOW!! must be hard getting a job as anything but a bus-driver I'm a vegetarian and I don't fart very often. My flatmate eats meat and farts all the time. Sweeping generalisations tbh. Bet your sweat smells like burnt brussel sprouts though
  5. You're completely losing me now I'm afraid. And I'm not a vegetarian, everyone knows being a vegetarian makes you constantly fart. Just imagine being a veggy cat owner, you'd stink of fart and piss, all of the time, WOW!! must be hard getting a job as anything but a bus-driver
  6. People who own cats generally smell of piss Further proof of your complete fucking ignorance. So when one of your sadistic feline psychopaths (I assume you have several) brings you a dead bird, do you congratulate it ?? What's that got to do with your inane point about cat owners smelling of piss like? And in answer to your question - mine don't go out therefore they neither shit in your garden nor bring me dead things. I find that somewhat alarming, given how stinky catpiss/shit is!!!!!!!!!! Anyway surely that's cruel ??? Not letting them out so they can go on their natural killing/shitting sprees??
  7. If it was up to me, with 9mm hollow-point You do realise that ownership and congratulation mean nowt to a cat? They're just top predators doing their thing. Can't see why you're so pissed with that. Are you a vegetarian by any chance? Few "top predators" kill for kicks when not hungry, or shit in my garden for that matter. Biggest exisiting threat to wild birds is the domestic cat, Bill Oddie said so, so it must be true. How do you know they kill for kicks? I wasn't even aware cats had emotions. Are you a feline neurobiologist? And who cares who shits in your garden? You pollute the planet everyday, I don't see anyone wanting to kill you. What makes you so arrogant that you think your garden is worth more than any living organism? As for your second eco-warrior point, my garden is worth significantly more to the planet as a feeding and breeding area for birds and plants than as a cat's toilet come killzone. Rudimentary biology proves that point moot Funny that, when I did my biology A level (when they were proper hard exams) catshit never appeared on the syllabus. That said, your contention woud be that catshit riddled soil and dead birds is better than fertile soil and living birds????
  8. Cheese on toast, good old Brittish Pizza Mighty fine with thinly sliced tomato under the cheese
  9. If it was up to me, with 9mm hollow-point You do realise that ownership and congratulation mean nowt to a cat? They're just top predators doing their thing. Can't see why you're so pissed with that. Are you a vegetarian by any chance? Few "top predators" kill for kicks when not hungry, or shit in my garden for that matter. Biggest exisiting threat to wild birds is the domestic cat, Bill Oddie said so, so it must be true. How do you know they kill for kicks? I wasn't even aware cats had emotions. Are you a feline neurobiologist? And who cares who shits in your garden? You pollute the planet everyday, I don't see anyone wanting to kill you. What makes you so arrogant that you think your garden is worth more than any living organism? I care who or what shits in my garden thank you very much. I do not object to cat's from any form of garden-asthetics standpoint As for your second eco-warrior point, my garden is worth significantly more to the planet as a feeding and breeding area for birds and plants than as a cat's toilet come killzone. and Dr Ken, I've heard of the "proper cat" shit thing but it wouldn't have provoked so much annoyance as the killer-starfish with the "smelling of piss members of the board"
  10. If it was up to me, with 9mm hollow-point You do realise that ownership and congratulation mean nowt to a cat? They're just top predators doing their thing. Can't see why you're so pissed with that. Are you a vegetarian by any chance? Few "top predators" kill for kicks when not hungry, or shit in my garden for that matter. Biggest exisiting threat to wild birds is the domestic cat, Bill Oddie said so, so it must be true.
  11. If it was up to me, with 9mm hollow-point
  12. People who own cats generally smell of piss Further proof of your complete fucking ignorance. So when one of your sadistic feline psychopaths (I assume you have several) brings you a dead bird, do you congratulate it ??
  13. People who own cats generally smell of piss
  14. Pest control actually, if you had mice in your house you'd put poison down wouldn't you? No difference IMO I happen to like having wild birds in my garden (nowt like a pair of tits on your nuts), so keepng uninvited psychotic killers out is more like wildlife preservation. P.S. I'm not a yank Poisoning a cat is a criminal offence. But no-one's putting "poison" down so it's not really a factor Killing a cat is a criminal offence. In the starfish scenario, who killed the cat ? no-one makes it enter a non-cat garden and no-one force feeds it. Matters not a jot where it happens. And good luck trying to think of another plausible excuse for chopping up starfish and spreading it around your garden, other than pre-mediated felinicide. Compost
  15. Pest control actually, if you had mice in your house you'd put poison down wouldn't you? No difference IMO I happen to like having wild birds in my garden (nowt like a pair of tits on your nuts), so keepng uninvited psychotic killers out is more like wildlife preservation. P.S. I'm not a yank Poisoning a cat is a criminal offence. But no-one's putting "poison" down so it's not really a factor Killing a cat is a criminal offence. In the starfish scenario, who killed the cat ? no-one makes it enter a non-cat garden and no-one force feeds it.
  16. Pest control actually, if you had mice in your house you'd put poison down wouldn't you? No difference IMO I happen to like having wild birds in my garden (nowt like a pair of tits on your nuts), so keepng uninvited psychotic killers out is more like wildlife preservation. P.S. I'm not a yank Poisoning a cat is a criminal offence. But no-one's putting "poison" down so it's not really a factor
  17. Pest control actually, if you had mice in your house you'd put poison down wouldn't you? No difference IMO I happen to like having wild birds in my garden (nowt like a pair of tits on your nuts), so keepng uninvited psychotic killers out is more like wildlife preservation. P.S. I'm not a yank
  18. Vermin? Don't be daft, they eat the vermin. Don't be daft they eat Whiskas They shit in your garden and you can't keep the fuckers out, they indiscriminately kill birds for pleaasure, they don't need the food as they're stuffed with whiskas, fucking vermin. Hate the fuckers with a passion. I have been recommend bits of starfish in the garden, smells like fish to the bastards and is irresistable, but unfortunately for mr pussy-vermin, it's poisonous as fuck Alternatively a piece of sponge soaked in sardine, pilchard or some other such fishy-juice is supposed to do the same job via expansion as opposed to poison. Of course if Mr Tibbles stays out of where he is not wanted he will be fine
  19. No matter how you "cutie" up a picture, cats are vermin. end of !!
  20. The Avenue, Whitley Bay under age heaven when I was a whippersnapper (was shite when I hit 18 though, full of fucking kids!!!!) The Mayfair (if you can count it as a boozer) Farmers is probably my most lamented ex-watering hole
  21. I bought a £500 electric plug, do I win ??? (and it was the cheap one) (It's a power regulator for my cinema/sound gear, a glorified surge protector really)
  22. Sort of a heavier set gothic Biffa Bacon's mam with the attitude and unpredictability of a great white shark with a migraine
  23. I dunno, how many Toon and Packers fans can there be, she'd probably hunt them all down and kill em just to be sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Tyson with PMT in a frock tbh Better get the window stickers off the car
  24. Sometimes walk, sometimes turn taps on. You'd leave the urinal, turn the tap on and then go back to the urinal? What if they've got those silly taps that you need to keep pressing to make them work? Piss in the sink presumably. Remember years ago in the Farmers (now M&S) which was always the last orders stop, Big Kim (who was well known around town at the time) pissed off at the queue's at the ladies barged into the blokes bogs and squatted in/on the sink. You didn't argue with Big Kim. I remember being at a do once and was sitting down with wor lass and Kim comes up and shouted at me "DANCE" much more effective than the scene's in an old western where they fire a colt 45 at your feet I hope to fuck she never reads this as you didn't call her big Kim to her face.
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